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         Sans had taken a shortcut to... Snowdin. His home. Not the Hall, not yet... He had a bit of time... He stopped for a moment to look at his brother's red scarf. He sighed, deciding not to wear it so the human wouldn't think they'd shaken him... But they had. His brother. His co-workers. His friends... Everyone. That part had shaken him. But he didn't show it. He thought about what his brother had said to the human. What he'd told them. About everyone being able to be good if they tried... He didn't agree with that idea... But he couldn't get it out of his head... He walked out the door, though Snowdin. He glimpsed the axes of Dogamy and Dogaressa. The armor and weapons of Greater Dog and Lesser Dog. The blades of Doggo... Sans' smiling teeth clenched together at everything. There was not a sound but the wind whooshing through the trees, and the snow... And dust... Scattering everywhere. He remembered how it used to be... His teeth clenched tighter. Through shortcuts, he took a last glimpse at everything. Undyne's cracked SOUL from her armor. Gerson. That small ghost that lived alone in Waterfall. The empty Laboratory in Hotland... The dust. And the all-but totally evacuated MTT Hotel... Except a cat monster in the Glamburger joint. Lastly, he stopped at the CORE... It brought about memories... He shook them off as he used a shortcut to the Last Corridor... The Corridor... The Judgement Hall. He knew the human would be there soon. He stood, turned around, towards the exit. To where the King was... For some reason, he felt free. He turned around just as the human entered. He saw them stop for something near the wall. He saw a flash. And then the human walked down the hall. One side of them illuminated, one side dark. Sans closed his eyes as he smiled, knowing this was it. The human could've been here before, or not. He couldn't see their face yet. Soon, they stopped in front of them. Sans opened an eye on the side that wasn't illuminated, then closed it. His smile was real, this time. For a long while, he let the human stand there and wait. They were not phased.

"...Heya." He finally said, which made a rather loud echo through the room. "...You've been busy, huh?" Sans asked, and chuckled to himself. "...Heheh..." He then cast his head down in thought of his brother. "...So... I've got a question for ya'..." Sans quietly said, looking up at the human, their face devoid of expression. "...Do... Do you think everyone can be a good person, if they just try?" Sans asked. "...That even the worst person can change?" Sans finished. He hoped it was true, but he didn't believe it... The human took a small step forward. Sans leaned backwards a bit and chuckled, which echoed through the halls, even louder than before.  ".......Here's a better question." Sans said. His pupils disappeared. "...Do you wanna have a bad time...?" He asked. "'Cause if you take another step forward... You are really not gonna like what happens next." Sans said, his eyes having their pupils back. The human took another. Step. Forward.  "...Welp." Sans said, eyes closed again. "Sorry old lady. This is why I never make promises." And Sans began the fight with the human. But it was his turn. He started the fight this time. "...It's a beautiful day outside..." Sans said. "Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming..." The human tilted their head. "...On days like these, kids like you..." Sans said. After this last line, Sans would release a flurry of bones and a menagerie of Blasters, from Gaster himself. ".........Should be burning in Hell."

[SPOILERS] Undertale Genocide: A Bad Time (Sans' Perspective) [[Completed]]Where stories live. Discover now