A True Heroine

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           Sans awoke to a rectangular figure standing above him, shaking his shoulder. "Up, darling, Undyne is close to the human." A familiar voice said. Sans' vision cleared, and he saw Mettaton standing above him. Sans yawned and nodded, standing up. The first thing he saw was Alphys staring up at the screen, her hands crossed over her chest in hope. At that point, Sans felt bad for her. Mettaton began wheeling over to the screen, and Sans followed on foot. The screen was split between two scenes; A monster child and the human talking, the human walking towards the child despite his words, and Undyne running towards them. Suddenly, the human slashed at the monster... And Undyne jumped in the way. She took the full brunt of the hit, being actually split in half. Even then, she shooed Monster Kid off to safety. She apologized to everyone; Papyrus, Alphys, Asgore... And she fell to her knee, dropping the spear. Alphys gasped, her hands over her mouth, tears down her eyes. Mettaton gently put his hand on her shoulder, and she turned around and sobbed into him. Mettaton gave her a warm embrace. Mettaton could be silly and cocky, but he knew when he needed to be serious, Sans decided. Sans put his head down in respect... Until he heard a word come from the screen that made him perk his head up.

"No." Undyne had said, as she was fading into dust. And then, it was almost as if her dust came back together. Alphys had already ran back to the screen by now, looking up to it with even more hope. Sans recognized what was happening. DETERMINATION. Had she really summoned enough of it to be brought back? It seems she had. If only monsters could have enough of it to keep going back. Undyne continued with a long speech. "My body... It feels like it's splitting apart. Like any instant... I'll scatter into a million pieces. But... Deep, deep down in my soul... There's a burning feeling I can't describe. A burning feeling that WON'T let me die! This isn't just about monsters anymore, is it? If you get past me, you'll... You'll destroy them all, won't you? Monsters, humans, everyone! Everyone's hopes, everyone's dreams. Vanquished in an instant... But I won't let you do that. Right now, everyone in the world. I can feel their hearts beating as one. And we all have one goal. To defeat YOU! Human... No, whatever you are... For the sake of the whole world... I, Undyne, will strike you down!... You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT." She said. Everyone in the room could tell that she was a True Hero. Alphys cheered with joy, hugging Mettaton... However... Sans kept a close eye on the human, unlike Mettaton and Alphys... And what he saw was unnerving. They didn't even bat an eye. They'd seen it incalculable times before. Sans knew this was the time that they'd win, from the keenness of their dodges, and predictability to them of Undyne's attacks. Alphys watched on in horror, the joy worn away, as the human gave Undyne multiple deep gashes and bruises, but she kept fighting. Spear after spear dodged and blocked. It was as if a thousand archers were firing arrows from all around the human. And yet they dodged with relative ease. They took a few hits, though, finding it necessary to to heal when they did. Soon, as Alphys thought the human was about to die... One last hit from the human put a crack in the soul on Undyne's new armor. Alphys all but fell against the screen. "...Damn it..." Undyne had said, dropping her spear. "So even that power wasn't enough... Heh... Heheheh... If you... If you think I'm gonna give up hope... You're wrong. 'Cause I got my friends behind me. Alphys told me that she would watch me fight you... And if anything went wrong, she would... Evacuate everyone. By now she's called ASGORE and told him to absorb the six human souls. And with that power... This world... Will live on!" She said, as she faded to dust. The shattered white soul from her armor lay in her dust as the human just stepped over it. Alphys got up, and she walked into another room without a word. Mettaton slowly looked over to Sans, who in turn gave him a pitiful look for Alphys. Mettaton sighed. Alphys soon came out.

"...Mettaton..." She coldly said. Mettaton stood at attention. Mettaton was taller than her, but somehow Alphys seemed to tower over him then. "I'm going to finish your body." She said, with the same tone. Somehow, the box robot looked rather intimidated, even without a proper face. Mettaton confidently nodded.

"Where?" Mettaton asked. "We must evacuate the Hotlands, and the Lab. The human is rapidly approaching!" Mettaton worriedly and dramatically said.

Alphys thought about that. "You'll follow me." She said. Sans could see the sadness, but also the DETERMINATION in her eyes. "For now, I... I'm going to round up the Amalgamates. They have to come, too." Then she flinched. "And I have to t-tell them that their families are de-..." She gulped. "...I won't be long." She walked into the elevator to the True Lab, and went down. Mettaton turned to Sans.

"You aren't really going with us, are you darling? You look like the type of person who wants vengeance." Mettaton predicted. Sans shrugged. He knew he wouldn't evacuate with all of them. But perhaps he'd follow for a while.

"I sorta' have a job to do..." He admitted, "But I'll come with for a bit." He said.

"How are you going to fight the human? Just bones didn't work before." Mettaton said, assuming Papyrus had fought.

"Papyrus didn't fight." Sans corrected. Mettaton was taken a bit aback by that. "And same thing for my arsenal as my puns; I have more than just bones." He joked. Mettaton made a sound as if he was clearing his throat, though Sans knew that was just for show; Mettaton had no throat.

"And what are your other weapons?" He asked. Sans hesitated. "Oh, come now." Mettaton said. "You can't be serious." Mettaton said, crossing his arms. Sans shrugged.

"Fine. Gaster Blasters." Mettaton looked surprised.

"Wasn't Gaster the old Royal Scientist?" Mettaton asked. Sans nodded.

"...How do you have them? Why doesn't Alphys use them?" Mettaton asked. Sans sighed.

"Because she doesn't know how to." He answered. Mettaton then gave an exaggerated shrug.

"Alrighty then darling~ by the by~ how do you know the old Dr.? Surely you must've been well acquainted~ You have his little lasers, don't you?" Mettaton asked, softly poking Sans right between the eyes, since his nose was simply a hole.

"Little lasers? Heh. Let's just say the 'old doctor' instructed me very strictly only to use them in the event of an emergency." Sans said.

"What kind of emergency, darling?" Mettaton asked.

"The complete and utter massacre of every monster in the Underground. And call me darling again, and I'll give you a front row seat as to why they're reserved for such a situation." Sans threatened, his pupils disappearing.

"Duly noted." Mettaton said, nonchalantly. "...Darling." He said, with a chuckle. "I'm kidding, dar-- er- friend. See? All you needed to do was ask." Mettaton said.

"I'm in no mood for joking around." Sans said, which wasn't per se true. He just wasn't quite fond of this robot celebrity.

"Come now, you know you wouldn't use whatever a 'Gaster Blaster' is on me." Mettaton said.

"Don't test me." Sans said. "This might come as a surprise to you, but stuff gets... Under my skin... Quite easily." Sans joked, chuckling. Mettaton actually laughed at the pun as well.

"Like the wind~?" Mettaton asked.

Sans chuckled at that. "Heheheh... Watch it, tin-man." He said. Mettaton defensively put his arms in the air, even though he clearly wasn't scared. Alphys soon came back up, followed by the remainder of her experiments, the Amalgamates. Sans followed them to the door.

"I think I'll give our guest a fond welcome, darling~" Mettaton called to Alphys.

"Mettaton! Your body isn't ready for a fight!" Alphys said.

"Oh, please, darling~ I said a fond welcome. They aren't nearly talented enough to dance with a star like me, yet~" Mettaton said. Alphys still looked unsure. "Ugh, come on, darling, lighten up~ Though the human is certain to be eager to touch even this body, I shan't fight the human yet. I'll follow in a little while. The show must go on~" Mettaton said, shooing Alphys off. She reluctantly walked off, as Sans followed. The door closed behind Sans just as the door on the other side of the Lab opened.

[SPOILERS] Undertale Genocide: A Bad Time (Sans' Perspective) [[Completed]]Where stories live. Discover now