The Coma

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One day Shay and her family was sitting in the living room all happy and smiles ☺. Shay was on the floor playing with some toys with Onna and her Mom was Pregnant with their little brother Jay 😍. Everybody was talking and watching TV , Grandma was cooking and Pops was in the kitchen sneaking food 😂. Tabitha look down to pick Shay up for a bath and noticed that something was wrong with her breathing. They sat Shay down to make sure she was okay and it only got worse. Louisville wasnt a really good hostpital so when they called 911 and they seen She wasnt breathing right they air lifted her to jackson. On the way to jackson Shay stopped breathing and turnt completly blue 😭 When they finaly got there they tried to do CPR and said that She had went into a coma 😱 Her family couldnt believe it so they all left out the room except for her grandma and mother. Shay wouldnt wake up. She could hear every word that people was saying she just couldnt speak back. She couldnt see anybody to know who they were. Doctors prayed , Family prayed & friends prayed for shay to open her eyes. Nothing worked. 😭😔 Shay still was a little blue & her mother couldnt stand to see her baby girl like this so she had to step out for a while. Shay's Grandma ( Annie ) Kept on praying that Shay would wake up. She asked the doctor could she hold shay just for a little while. The doctors said yes. Annie carried Shay around the room and began to pray harder , Speak in taunge & cry. She kept kissing Shay so that she could wake up. She kept tellimg Shay "Im here babygirl , God got you." And it still didnt work. ( 😔) Before Annie got ready to put Shay back into her bed she felt her move a little. Shay then opened her eyes and said "Grannie i wanna walk" 😍❤ Annie screamed so loud and called the nurse in to say "She spoke to me ! She spoke to me." Everybody then rushed in there to see what was going on amd then Shay spoke agaim "I want to walk." They put Shay om the floor and she walked for the first time at three years old. 🙏 SHE WALKED AFTER A COMA 😍. They put her back in the bed and she began to talk up a storm 😂 But god made her come back to earth. he said she couldnt go amywhere ! ☺

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