Going to school

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When Shay turned 5 years old she started Pre-K. They said she was to small to go to school that last year so she had to wait. When Shay first walked in a school it was weird. It was different. It was scarry. She looked at her mom and gave her a big hug because she was happy to go to school but when her mom left Shay's life changed. Kids look at her, Talked about her , Laughed at her , Threw stuff at her , ect. Shay thought she would be able to play around without people being mean to her. She only knee that she was at school she didnt know how many people wouldnt like her because of her skin or the way she walked or how boney she was. She thought that she fit in with the other kids but she thought wrong. One kid hit her in the head with a book but she was okay though. The teacher camw over to pick Shay up and call her mom. Shay went home with her family and they decided that she wouldnt go to school. 😔 It was hard for Shay to go to school becase she didnt know exactly how things was going to turn out but in the future she got better at talking and playing when she felt like it wss right. Other in school Shay's life got harder and harder. Other then school Shay had Three sugerys, Got molested, Found out she had scoliosis, Found out she had an small leakage in her heart and that she had a lump in her right brest , Tried to kill herself, ect. God knows what Shay had been through but everything will all turn out great at the end.

I hope this book is touching your hearts and that you understand what is goig on in my life. Some people dont get me or where im coming from. They just know me for me. Now lets fast foward a little bit to my first sugery.

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