The Timids

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New Years Eve was finally upon us and everyone was gathered round our small coffee table in the living room. Already there was a couple of empty beer bottles per person as we played truth or dare. An old New Years tradition we'd developed over the years.

It was Laurence's turn and he'd had the least to drink for this very reason. He loved asking us things when we were totally out of it so he could tease us the next again morning when we were all working our way through hangovers.

"Dreeew," he said, his voice in a sing song manner. I looked up and tilted my head to the side awaiting what he was about to ask, "truth or dare?"

I grinned, "Dare pweese Bevers!" I heard Kier giggling - god he was the worse out of all of us.

He grinned back at me, "Great... I dare you then, to go into your bedroom and... kiss Barrone."

I choked on my beer which I was downing the last of and looked across at Cyrus who was blushing furiously. Laurence knew I had a crush on him, he was the only one that knew. God I wish I'd picked truth - wait, no he would have asked if I liked Cy in that way.

I wanted to back out and ask for a different dare, but I knew if I don't Laurence would give me a very bad forfeit. didn't exactly want to chance that.

I stood up and held my hand out for Cyrus to take it which he did, not making eye contact with anyone as he kept them stuck on the floor. His fringe falling over his face.

"How will we know if they actually kissed," I heard Luke mutter to Laurence.

"Trust me, we'll know from Drew's expression," Laurence chuckled.

We were both standing in my room and I was shifting from foot to foot nervously. I knew Cy hadn't drunk that much but just more than me so I couldn't tell how he was feeling.

My room was dark thanks to the street lights being broken again so I hope he didn't see the small smile on my face that was quickly replaced by me biting my lip then my finger nails. Oh god what was actually going to happen?!

I opened my mouth to speak when I watched him close the door with his foot and stepped towards me, brushing a stray bit of hair from my face. "Cy, we-" he shut me up by pressing his lips to mine.

Oh wow, okay this was actually happening. I found my arms wrapping around his neck and his going to my waist. I was kissing him, he was kissing me. It sounds silly but I was having a mini fanboy moment to myself because of what was actually going on. I was kissing Cyrus, and he was kissing me, if I'd known it was as easy as playing truth or dare to get to do this then I would have opted for playing it every night till it actually happened!

He slowly pulled away but kept our faces close to each other, or breathing in sync. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that..." he said quietly.

I pulled away to look at him properly, "You mean it? It's not just the drink talking? Because I've had the exact same feelings as you but I've been too scared-" I was babbling but there was no way to stop once I'd started. Everything was coming out all at once.

He put a finger to my lips, "I mean it Drew..."

I relaxed slightly against him, "If.. if I'd known that I would have kissed you ages ago."

I grinned, earning one back from him, followed by another kiss. This one was a lot slower and more gentle than the first one had been and frankly I loved it a whole lot more. I giggled and stood on my tip toes to kiss his nose earning myself a cute smile.

" Drew, would you... like to be my boyfriend?" he asked timidly.

I nodded, "I would love to Cyrus."

He took my hand and opened the door readying ourselves to face our friends on the other side when the three of them tumbled through the open door.

"Not very nice to eavesdrop guys," Cy said, shaking his head at the pile of friends that was spread out in front of us.

"You guys still kissed though!" Laurence said pointing up at us, a massive grin on his face.

I nodded, taking my new boyfriends hand, "Yeah...and it was perfect."

The three of them echoed a chorus of "aw's" at us and we all piles back through to the living room. However this time I was sitting on Cyrus's lap with his arms round my waist.

"My turn," I grinned, "hey Bevers, truth or dare?"

"Lets go dare."

"Kiss Kier."

I swear I've never seen his face go so red in my life before. Me and Cy just sat there giggling.

Me and my new boyfriend - Cyrus was my boyfriend. I'd never get tired of saying that, not ever.

I looked round at him smiling softly, "Best way to start the new year ever."

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