Merry Christmas

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"Shane...." I whispered, shaking the taller male that was asleep by my side. He just groaned and curled up tighter, attempting to ignore my whines and pleas. "Shaaaaannnneeeeeee."

"What?" he mumbled sleepily, rubbing at his eyes as he turned round to face me.

I grinned - realising that I'd caught his attention and jumped from the bed, pulling the curtains open to reveal the white snow falling against black night, and quickly looking down at the street below confirmed that it was lying and leaving a thick sheet of white where it landed.

"What time is it anyways?" he grumbled, sitting up properly.

"It's not even midnight! So not Christmas yet, ten minutes or so - come on let's go and play in the snow!" I grinned. He just groaned and flopped onto his back, attempting to get some more sleep, but I wasn't having any of it. I jumped back on the bed and bounced slightly so the whole bed moved and it meant that it would be harder for him to try and get back to sleep - meaning he couldn't ignore me forever.

And it didn't take too long at all, "Alright, alright - go and get warm clothes on. I will not be responsible for you freezing to death outside."

"YES!" I cheered, hopping back from the bed and grabbing my hat, scarf and gloves.

He rolled his eyes and climbed off the bed before he started getting dressed himself, pulling on an old band shirt, his jeans and boots and scarf and gloves, before standing back and pretty much watching as I leaped all over the room looking for my socks.

Once I did eventually find them and Shane had passed me my shoes, I grabbed his hands and pulled him outside where the snow was just beginning to stop - leaving the white blanket of it on the ground for us to play in.

I saw Shane grin and he was off - running across to the corner of the garden and starting to roll up some snow. I knew what he was doing, seeing as every single timed it snowed where we lived he would build a little army of snowmen and that would keep him entertained until they melted.

I just flopped onto the ground and started to make a snow angel, looking up and watching the final drops of snow fall from the sky then leave the sky almost clear from the flakes once again. I rolled over to the other side, drawing a face in the one that I'd just made and once I was happy with out he looked with his cheesy little grin, I moved on to doing another one so my lil snow angel wasn't all alone out here - seemed only fair.

I sat up a little while later once both my angels were suitable...snowed? And turned round to see that Shane had made two little snowmen - one had small steampunk goggles made of snow perched on his head and the other had hair styled like mine and I couldn't help but grin.

"That's us!"

He turned and smiled, "I'm doing all five of us - me and you first because we're cool enough to come play in the snow." 

He turned back and began doing another one of our band mates, leaving me standing there to watch what he was doing. His tongue was sticking out a little at the side as he focused on what he was doing, making sure it was all going to plan as it had been in his head.

Safe to say that it didn't take very long for me to get a little bored and I wanted to do something - something fun. No more angels or snowmen or just going back inside so that I didn't get too cold. Then it hit me. Snowballs.

I grinned and made a few, placing them in a little pile at the side until I thought that I had enough. I threw a couple of them around him, not really aiming for his actual frame - but just alerting him about what I was doing, and once I was sure the warning had been more than enough I started aiming properly.

I threw a snowball at him, catching his ear and causing a squeal to come from his mouth and he spun, glaring over at me, stopping building his little snowman. "You are so dead, Woolnough."

He grabbed a handful of snow and came running towards me and I darted to the side to avoid it getting thrown at me. However it would seem that he anticipated this move and followed after me, throwing the handful of snow in my direction - just catching me on my back - then he tackled me onto the cold ground. I squealed and tried to wriggle away, but before I could make my escape a fistful of snow appeared in front of my face and was down the inside of my jumper.

I squealed and shoved the taller Timid off of me, jumping to my feet and holding my jumper out in front of me - shaking as much as I could out before it melted and stuck to my skin and clothes. However I hadn't been fast enough and there was some that had melted and the water was now trickling down my chest and stomach, making me shiver like mad.

All the while Shane was doubled over giggling at me, hardly breathing as the laughs came out in fast bursts and he seemed to forget every time that he had to stop to breathe before he could carry on. He didn't even notice what I was doing properly as I was flailing around and squealing pretty much in every direction.

I suddenly stopped, pouting over at him in some attempt to make him stop and actually see what I was doing. I made sure that my bottom lip started quivering and shaking as dramatically as I could. He eventually calmed down enough to stop laughing and looked over, his smile dropping from his face fast.

He hurried over and pulled me into a tight and warm hug, making sure to hold me as tight as he could and letting me pretty much steal all of the warmth from his body as I could. I just sunk into his arms and opened his coat so that my arms could go inside it and wrap my arms round his body - keeping my arms as warm as I could at least, and that earned a little chuckle from him.

"I didn't mean to make you all cold..." he said softly, rubbing at my back and arms to try and warm me up as best as I could. 

"Don't worry about it," I said, trying to stop my teeth from chattering in the cold as I clinged on tighter to his coat.

He just smiled and nuzzled his nose into my hair and held onto me tighter, doing everything he could to stop me shaking. "Should we go inside, where it's warm?"

"No! It's just started to snow all over again," I grinned and looked up just as a snow flake dropped onto my nose and made me shiver, moving my nose all over the place to stop it dribbling down my face.

"But your present's inside... Well, one of them is at least," he said quietly.

"One of them is? Where's the other one?" I asked, raising my eyebrows slightly at him.

He leaned down and pressed a light and gentle kiss to my lips, causing me to smile into it as I softly kissed him back - living up to our name by keeping it timid and gentle as we possibly could. But I would be lying if I said that it was something I'd been waiting to happen for a long time - and it seemed just perfect that it happened here.

Shane's watch suddenly started beeping, pulling us both out of the kissing moment. He looked down at his clock and smiled softly, taking both my hands out his jacket and holding them in his.

"Merry Christmas Wooly," he said softly.

"Merry Christmas Shane..."

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