Drunken Mistake

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The first thing I noticed when I started I wake up was that my head was pounding like mad. Guess that's what happens when you drink your entire body weight in alcohol celebrating New Years.

A groaning noise escaped my mouth and I rolled over, burying my face into my pillow. But something wasn't quite right as there was someone lying beside me. I slowly opened one eye and tilted my head to the side only to be met with a face full of brown and red hair, and I knew it anywhere.

Sitting bolt right up in bed I tried to contain a gasp and not make too much noise as I scrambled out of bed. The pillow I'd just buried my face into was covered in my red and black eye liner, which showed that I did sleep in here even if it was with Kier. Only then did I realise I was dressed only in my boxers and both mine and Kier's clothes were scattered unceremoniously across the room. It was at this point that I started to panic. We weren't in Kier's room which for me only made matters worse - we were in mine and Drew's.

There was no sign that my boyfriend had even been with me in the room last night, which worried me. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a Batman shirt then tip toes out the room so as not to wake Kier up. God, this felt like one of those one night stand kind of things, where you creep out before the other person even realises it.

There were voices coming from downstairs and none of them sounded either sad or angry which made me relax a bit, though walking into the living room I saw that the couch was made up with a pillow and duvet. Underneath that was a sleeping Drew who had the remnants of last nights eyeliner running down his cheeks. And there's goes the guilt train.

I walked past him and into the kitchen where Luke and Laurence were both sitting drinking coffee and nibbling on bits of party food. The conversation halted though the minute I came into full view. Laurence looked like I'd walked in and slapped him across the face which didn't exactly help in the making me feel better.

"Hey there Cy," Luke said, trying to sound as cheerful as he possibly could, "there's some coffee for you in the machine there."

I nodded and grabbed my favourite mug from the rack, loading myself up with a steaming cup of the beverage. I downed it almost immediately and poured my second one.

"What happened last night?..." I mumbled, looking round at the pair of them.

They exchanged glances before Luke motioned for Laurence to leave which he did without any hesitation, "Listen Cy, things from last night were kinda a blur but we all remember that cause it caused a massive amount of fighting."

"But I don't remember anything," I whined, looking pleadingly into his eyes.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "You and Kier kissed, Laurence walked in on the pair of you and started yelling which got Drew into the room-"

"Wait, where did we kiss?" I suddenly perked up at that.

"In your room, that's why Bevers got so angry." I groaned and Luke gave me a half sympathetic smile, "Anyway, Drew walked in and started crying because he thought you'd left him for Kier."

"But I would never hurt him like that! Drew's the guy for me, not Kier!" I dropped down into one the seats and proceeded to hit my head off the table, scolding myself for being such an idiot. I took a deep breath and looked up at him, "Did me and Kier... y'know?"

"Do it? Nah, he stripped down and got into bed then feel straight asleep after that. You must have followed his lead and done the same cause five minutes later Laurence came back to speak to you guys and you were both fast asleep."

"I'm such an arse," I groaned, looking back through to the living room where Drew's voice was telling me that he was awake. "I need to speak to him. That part was more for myself than any one else as I stood up and walked through to where Laurence was hugging Drew as tears went down his cheeks.

"Laur, mind giving us a minute?" I asked. He looked at Drew who nodded before standing up and going upstairs - no doubt to check on Kier. I walked over to the couch and sat myself down on the opposite end to Drew, turning myself round to face him.

"I don't remember much of what happened last night, and what I do know is because of what Luke has told me. I know that that's no excuse, even though we were all drunk and it was late I still shouldn't have kissed Kier. It was stupid and wrong and I just wanted to say that none of that matters because he's not the one that I-" I choked up there and looked down playing with my hands. "That I love..." that part came out a whole lot quieter than I meant it to, but there was no going back now.

I looked up from under my fringe at Drew who sat there with a tiny smile on his face even though he still had the odd tear trickling down his cheeks. Upon habit I reached out and brushed them away.

"It's probably stupid to even ask, or assume this, but will you ever forgive me?"

He nodded and leapt across the couch so I could catch him in my arms. I just sat there, hugging him to my chest and kissing the top of his head in relief.

"You're a noob, Mr Barrone," he whispered, "I can always forgive you. Because I love you too."

That was good enough for me, and I'm sure that that was all either of us wanted to hear from the other - those three words that made things just that little bit better.

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