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*self harm references

There's something about him I cannot explain... I mean, I've never actually talked to the guy, no, that was completely out of the question but I looked at him from a distance. Fuck, that sounded a little creepy even though it wasn't meant to.

Today he was sitting under an oak tree in the park beside the school with his three friends. I knew them all briefly, but I was always too scared to go up and actually talk to any of them - I wasn't the same as them, not even close.

I was the loner of the school so no one paid attention to me, which was just the way that I liked it. I shoved my glasses up the bridge of my nose and sat down on a bench nearby and started drawing in my pad.

The bell rang, signalling us all to head to our next classes, and this one for once I was actually looking forward to because he was in my next class. Granted I would never speak to him in it, but just knowing he sat in front of me in history just made my day somehow.

The class started and seemed to drone on forever. It was a Monday morning after all - no one could really blame me for not paying attention... Especially on the first day of the week that made you want to slam your head off the desk - even more slamming when you realised you had the class you hated most first thing in the morning. I barely ever paid attention it it, however, it's what our teacher said next that really caught my attention.

"We'll be doing a bit of partner work. You'll have time in class, but I also expect you and your partner to meet up in your own time to do a bit. This is going to be a large chunk of your grade so I would take this very seriously. Oh, and I'll be choosing who though," my heart sank at that, there goes my chance now.

She put everyone's name into a hat and pulled them out one by one, pairing us up.There was around six people left, but I knew my chances of going with someone I didn't like or get along with were high so I just kept my head lowered.

"Cyrus Barrone - you're paired up with.... Drew Woolnough," the teacher called out.

If I had been drinking some juice right now, that would be the time to choke and spit it out. I was going to work with Drew?! No, something couldn't be right there. He turned round in his seat and smiled at me, and I gave him a small one back. She gave us some kind of task to do by the end of the week in our pairs, but (surprise surprise) I wasn't listening at all.

Drew came and moved round beside me, propping his elbows up on the table and resting his head on his hands, "So, what part do you want to do first?"

I shrugged, words just catching in my throat. What do I say? Something you idiot! my mind was screaming at me, "I'm not sure... you can choose." Good one Barrone.

He stuck his tongue out to the side a little as he thought on what we could do, and once he had an idea we both started talking - I thankfully found my tongue again and wasn't sitting in total silence and staring at him like some kind of fish. We had made a basic plan for our topic and set out what we were going to do, it was all slowly coming together that's for sure.

"We're going to have the best presentation out of the whole class," he grinned and it made my heart melt. Shut up, you're acting weird!

I nodded as the bell went and we started packing things away, agreeing that he should hold onto it as I said I'd probably loose it. "Hey Drew," I asked rather timidly, catching him just before he left for good. He turned round to look at me and nodded slightly for me to continue, "Well... we're meant to meet up in our spare time, so would you want to come round to mine some time and do some of the work there?"

His smile seemed to grow, but that was probably my imagination, and he nodded, "Definitely!" I smiled back at him in relief and gave my address and mobile to him before we both left the classroom and went our separate ways. This was turning out to be an alright day so far.

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