Chapter Twenty-Six - Not Quite the End

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Hey guys! Please read my rambing shit here, because there will be NONE at the end this time!

So, like I've already said, this is the final chapter, BUT there is still the epilogue! So just remember that when you get to the end!

Also, I want to know your thoughts and stuff as always, so comment away! 

This chapter is dedicated to BooBearsCam, because her story I Should Have Kissed You is legit amazing! Also, go go go read Directionninja's story, because it is also amazing! :D 

Okay, enough of my rambling, enjoy the chapter! :3 xo



“I love you Boobear,” he said softly.

“I love you too Hazza,” I whispered back.


Chapter 26 - Not Quite the End;


Outside, in the waiting room, the rest of the group was waiting for Louis and Harry to come out of the room. They all shivered slightly as their clothes were still wet from the beach. 

“I can’t believe we got chased by fans again,” Lina said quietly, shaking her head slightly.

“We’re sorry–” Liam started.

“Don’t start,” said Abby, “We know its not your fault, you can’t really control them.”

“Yeah, we pretty much knew stuff like this would happen if we were with you guys,” said Ella. 

“It’s the fans that should really be sorry, I mean, they broke Lou’s arm!” said Lina.

“As much as we love our fans, they really are crazy girls,” said Zayn.

“They’re not all girls though, just the ones that chase you are,” said Ella, making the rest laugh softly.

Everyone was so worn out from today’s events. It had really been a long day for all of them. Finally, Harry and Louis came out of the room, a cast wrapped around Louis’ left arm. 

“So, was it broken?” said Lina.

“It was cracked,” said Louis, “It should heal soon...”

“Alright, well, we should get going now, we’ll order in some food when we get back to mine,” said Abby.

They left the hospital, driving back to Abby’s house. However, when they got there, they had not expected the biggest mob of fans waiting outside Abby’s house. 

“Okay, seriously? Two in one day? That’s got to be a record,” said Lina. 

“Okay, we’ll drive around the back, get our stuff, and get the heck out of here!” said Abby.

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