09 - secrets

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The next morning, both Clark and Alex had work, so the day started out as usual; getting up and showering, finding clothes, eating a quick breakfast. This time, the two left for work together, sharing a quick kiss as they reached the outside of their apartment building. Splitting into their distinct directions, they were off to work. Alex had hoped she wasn't fired that day on the phone, so as soon as she reached her work, she went straight up to talk to her boss.

Clark made his way into his workplace, brushing shoulders with Lois accidentally. He mumbled a 'sorry' and turned his head slightly, but she didn't turn to respond. Either she didn't hear him, or she wasn't bothered enough to look at him anymore. He walked in, and gave friendly nods towards co-workers as he made his way to his desk. As soon as he got there, something caught his attention; a file. It read 'Alex Parrish', just like the ones before. Quickly sitting down to look at it, he opened it up and saw that this time, it wasn't as light and empty as it normally was. This time it had little cut out articles in newspapers, about the bombing in New York, the one that started Alex's drama.

There were even some that were printed after the world blamed Alex— asking where she ran off to, and how they will stay safe. After moving all the newspapers out of the way, Clark discovered a little computer drive and picked it up. He stuffed the newspapers into the first, original file that he kept before throwing the new one away (after ripping it up). Clark sat down again and opened his laptop, inserting the drive carefully, and seeing something pop up. It was a video, and Clark watched it. It was the broadcasting video Alex made, working with the two hackers that helped her get her case across to the whole world.

Kent could see the tiredness and the hurt in her eyes as she spoke, and he furrowed his eyebrows in worry. She had been through so much, and yet she still does everything she can to help other people, while still being shut down by others, all because of her past. He now understood why she wanted so badly to leave her old home and flee here.


Someone's voice caught Clark's attention quickly so he scrambled to exit the video and make it look like it was nothing. It was Perry, his boss. The older man came and leaned on the wall, a serious look on his face, as always.

"Keep your personal conflicts out of work, please."

"I'm sorry, sir I don't know what you mean?"

"You and Lois. She's been acting snappy and weird, and refuses to work with you on anything."

"Can't you just find her another partner then?"

"I can, but the point is, don't let relationships slow your work down. I'm telling this to both of you. Anyway, you both catching stories today?"

"If I can find one."

"Good answer." And with that, Perry turned and left, while Clark finally exhaled, as if he was holding his breath in the whole time.

Meanwhile, Alex sauntered into her boss' office, where she demanded an explanation for the way he called her that day, on her day off. He explained that he had received a tip that she was a part of something that planned to poison the current senator. Alex then proceeded to explain the entire situation, which caused there to be less suspicion. Seeing that the whole situation took less time than she has suspected, Alex made her way back to her desk, which was where she started out working. After a few minutes, Alex suddenly received a phone call, from an unknown number.

"Hello?" She said, picking it up.

   "Alex Parrish, remember my voice?"

Alex swallowed thickly as she did, remembering that it was the same voice she heard after decorating her study. It was deep. Obviously the audio was edited, so that she couldn't trace it, which never meant anything good.

"I... I do."

   "Aw, I feel special. I have a question for you, love."

"What do you want?"

   "Relax, dear. I just want to know if Clark knows the truth."

"I'm sorry?"

   "Everything that's happened to you... about Ryan... about Natalie Vasquez."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Alex could feel the heat in her body build up. She wasn't a very emotional person, and when she did show emotion, she was only around people she trusted. This, however, was creeping her out. It all brought back flashbacks to when her own professed used a voice to tell her to do the worst things.

   "You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't play dumb with me, love."

"Stop it. Leave me the hell alone."

And with that, she hung up, attempting to continue the rest of her work.

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