20 - feel

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Clark crashed through the glass in the large windows that looked out on the busy city, causing Martha to shriek out of surprise. Alex ducked, moving closer to her boyfriend's mother almost to shield her from any further flying glass shards.

Lex completely forgot about his two captives, commanding his army of human-like robots to annihilate Clark.

Alex had to warn him.

Before she did, her brown eyes searched the room for somewhere Martha could hide, to avoid being caught in the middle of such a fight. She found an area tucked under some machinery, which would be perfect, so she grabbed Martha's wrist and took her to the safe spot, hiding her there.

"Stay here, as soon as I find a way out, I'll come and get you. Until then, Don't. Move." Alex commanded, earning a nod from the other woman before she shot up and made her way back to the chaos.

The machines were already ganging up on Clark, and Clark being the gentle soul that he was, didn't know that they weren't human, so he wasn't even fighting back.

"Clark!" Alex shouted, trying to dodge the different metal monsters. "Clark! They're not human!" She shouted, getting his attention finally. Since he was caught off guard, one of the things flung the man across the room, causing him to crash into a wall with a thud.

"Clark!" Alex cried, worried for him. That was forgotten when something grabbed her hair from behind, making her scream in both shock and pain. Her arm flailed backward, trying to get ahold of whatever it was behind her. Once she did, it was too late, the thing had pinned her on the ground, making it nearly impossible for her to worm out.

Alex thrashed against the cold floor, finally getting the strength to twist back and punch him off. It didn't work completely, but at least his grip loosened. She scrambled to her feet and then kicked him square in the chest. Alex turned her head to check on Clark, who was still being crowded by the army. She knew she couldn't jump in and help him, so she thought for a moment. What could possibly cause these things to stop? What makes electronics start to malfunction?


Alex needed to get water. Lex wasn't paying any attention to her, he was watching the show with a pleased smile on his sick face. She managed to duck under the chaos and leave the room, opening the door to see a blank hallway. Her instinct told her to run to the right, and so she did.

Alex ran down the empty hallway, not bothering to check if anyone was following her, being positive she dodged all the eyes in that room. She then stopped at a dead end, with three doors. She reached out and tried to open the one directly in front of her; locked. She then tried the one next to it, also locked, and then the other was locked as well. Trusting her instinct again, she went for the one directly in front of her. Alex mentally prepared herself, taking a breath before using all her strength to kick down the door in front of her.

Thank god it worked, because it stung. Alex ignored the pain in her thigh, and looked through the room she just entered. It was a regular room, empty, some lab tables and broken beakers on the floor. Finally, Alex found a fire alarm, one she can pull, that would trigger all the water spouts on the ceilings of every room. Just as she entered the room, someone grabbed her shoulder and shoved her in, shutting the door on her and locking it. She couldn't even see the person's face, but Alex heard his voice. Ryan.

"Ryan! What the hell has gotten into you, let me out!" She shouted, getting a chuckle from the other side of the door.

   "What's gotten into me? I'm sick and tired of it, Alex. The secrecy, the indecisiveness. You've left me so many times, and it broke my heart. Now, I hear you're in this new city, skipping around with a new guy, like nothing happened. I loved you, Alex, and you spat me out."

Alex leaned against the door and sighed, knowing that being reckless with someone's heart was bad, but she didn't even know if she loved him, and clearly, she didn't. The woman didn't say anything, she just leaned against the wooden door.

"I'm sorry, Ryan." She finally said, hearing a scoff from the other side.

   "Yeah, well, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for ever trusting that we could be anything. I'm sorry for believing that you were as genuine as you came across."

"Okay, what? I never led you to believe we would be more than what we were. And don't come to me about secrecy, you were the one that was following me that whole time at Quantico. So, you're not the victim here, Ryan." Alex fired back, she wasn't going to take an insult, especially after she felt that none of it was in her ultimate control. Was it her fault she didn't feel anything for Ryan? No. Was it her fault she felt the need to leave, to avoid any further chaos in her life? No. Was it her fault she fell for Clark. Maybe it was, but she was happy about it.

Ryan mumbled something that Alex couldn't hear and stormed off, leaving Alex in the locked room. Parrish sighed and gently banged the back of her head against the door in frustration before standing straight and going towards the fire alarm that she walked into that room for in the first place.

Praying to herself for a moment, Alex pulled the lever, a loud bell ringing in her ears as water spritzed out of the taps above her head, soaking her and hopefully those bots in the other room.

Now, it was time to find a way out. Alex pushed her heavy, wet hair out of her face and made her way to the door and started banging on it, attempting to unlock it with her finger, but then banging on it again.

Clark had to keep himself elevated, since the hoard of robots was too much. As he was in the air, he noticed something— someone was missing. Ryan. Then another person came to mind.


Alex was MIA, while he could see his mother cowering behind some other machinery. Using his X-ray vision, he scanned the area for any bodies, and he found one. One was running from a door, coming back to the room he was in, while the other was on the other side of that door, banging against it and frantically searching the space she was trapped in. He could even hear the pounding on the wood. Clark identified the figure walking away from the room to be Ryan, and his blood boiled.

Just before he was going to use the hot lasers in his eyes, the fire alarm started to go off, the taps on the roof spilling water like rain all over everyone in the room. All of the bots started to flail and collapse due to failure caused by water getting into their systems through their ears and noses.

Clark eyed Lex, who was clearly distraught at his failed army, but whizzed past him, towards his lady. He stopped at the door and spoke gently at the wood, causing the pounding to stop.

"Alex, move to the side, you don't want to be standing in front of this door.." he said, and it seemed that Alex moved, because a soft 'okay' was heard through the wall. Also, he could see her figure standing away from the danger zone.

With one punch, the door flew right off it's hinges and towards the back wall of the room, breaking it.

Alex watched as the wood crumbled into bits on the floor. She then merged towards the source of the flying door, to see her hero. She smiled and threw her arms around him, chuckling at her girlish actions. He welcomed her with an embrace as well, but the two parted from each other for a second knowing there was more to be done.

It was like they both read each other's minds, because they headed down the hallway, and back to the room with the failed robots and hopefully Lex and Ryan. They dashed through the halls and back into the room to an unpleasant surprise.

Lex and Ryan were gone.

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