15 - speak

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The day following, Alex and Clark decided to get out of the house and go to his mother's house. Parrish was yet to be introduced to Martha Kent, and Clark decided that now was the perfect time for it. The two got dressed in casual wear before heading out, into Clark's truck. Stepping in, Alex cringed, the wound in her shoulder still bothering her. There was a sizable scar there, and she had never been stabbed, or even shot before, so it's not like she could be used to something like this. Alex drowned herself in her own thoughts and worries, so much that she didn't seem to notice the silence in the vehicle. All until Clark cleared his throat and glanced over at her, worrying about the quietness.

"You okay?"

   "Mm?" Alex perked up from her thoughts and nodded her head upon realizing what he asked. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just.. thinking."

"About what?"

   "Everything, really. What if Lex finds a way to tell everyone the truth, even if you don't? He knows. And- Lois is dead, so it's not like we can use her to stop him.." Alex mumbled, rubbing her fingers along her temples with worry.

"Hey— hey. I know, it's all just a mess, but what I'm worried about is your safety. That's another reason why I'm taking you to my mom's place. She's a sweet lady, and she'll keep you in until there's no threat. Plus, I know she'll love you."

   "How do you know that?"

"You've got spunk."

Kent gave her a wink, making Alex laugh and shake her head. Soon enough, they were out of the city and driving in the countryside. Buildings and concrete turned into grassy flatlands with occasional cows and barns. It was pleasant.

"So, where are you going to be, while I'm with your mom?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe your house, to see if there's any threat."

"Basically, you're locking the princess away for safety while you do the man's job?" Alex teased, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No no! I completely support women's empowerment, I just know you have a huge target on your back."

"Don't worry. I'm teasing. But— we both know that you have a target on your back as well, considering Lex wants you to expose yourself.."

Clark didn't say anything. He just glanced at Alex, taking the opportunity to admire her features for a quick moment before turning his eyes back to the road. Eventually, they reached the small house on the large farm, the humming truck slowly coming to a stop. Both of them got out, and Alex swung a packed bag over her shoulder as she walked around the back of the truck, where she met Clark on the other side, connecting her hand with his. He led his beloved to his mother's house, his thumb rubbing against her skin. He knocked at the door and waited there. Gentle footsteps became louder and louder until the door opened, revealing an old woman, a bit shorter than Alex, with kind eyes and grey hair. She looked up at the two of them, her face lighting up as she saw Clark.

"Clark!" She breathed out, wrapping her arms around her son in a warm embrace. Martha then released him and turned her attention to the lovely, but unknown woman standing next to him. Without any hesitation, Clark proceeded to introduce his girlfriend and mother.

"Mom, this is Alex, my girlfriend. Alex, this is my mother."

Alex smiled and reached a hand out to shake that of Martha's. The two shared a smile and a wave.

"Nice to meet you." Alex said.

   "Come on in." Martha responded, opening the door wider. Clark allowed Alex to go in first and then followed after, closing the door behind him. The woman was sat on the couch, and just as Martha went to the kitchen to make some coffee, Clark pulled her to the couch as well, for, they needed to talk about something.

"Mom.. we need to talk to you about something.."

   "Anything. What's going on?"

Clark looked at Alex and then back at his mom, "I need Alex to stay here for a while. She's in danger. There's a lot happening, and I need her somewhere safe."

   "Oh... I mean, there's definitely room, but— what's happening? What about you?"

"Mom, I'll be fine.."

Martha looked at Alex and couldn't help but see something different in her. Something that wasn't in Lois, whom she thought was quite nosey. She sighed and gave a small, kind smile at the woman her son seems to care about so much, which signified a yes to her staying with her. Clark suddenly moved over to sit next to her and hugged his mother, grateful that he has someone as strong as her to run to, even as an adult.

After Alex and Martha got a chance to chat with a cup of coffee, it was time for Clark to go back to the city, so he said his goodbyes and stepped out on the porch, only to be stopped by Alex, who called out to him as she ran out after.

"Wait!" She called out, running after her boyfriend, making him turn around. Just as he did, Alex practically pounced on him, throwing her arms around Clark in a warm embrace. Parrish had been without her love before, since they live in two different houses, but this was different. This was risky. The girl was practically squeezing Clark, and if he were able to feel physical pain from humans, he would probably be uncomfortable, but he just smiled and hugged back just as tight.

"Please, please be safe." Alex whispered.

"Hey... don't worry, I told you, I'll be fine."

There was a silence. Only the sounds of nature around them. Suddenly, a shaky breath coming from the woman made Clark release her, pulling back to stare at her face. Alex and Clark looked at each other for a moment before the man finally spoke.

"I love you."

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