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Morning. Again. Colonel Tom Robbins sat down to small chair in the main hall and looked at nurses. The men and women ran beside him and no one really noticed him. He sighed. Old building, where he was right now, smelled like old cheese combined with rotten eggs. And he didn't remembering, why is there. "Nurse!" he yelled and surprisingly, someone finally noticed him. "Hi. You are new here? I am Tom and I need my pills." Nurse, young blonde man, smiled at old man and said: "My name is Timothy. We met yesterday. But it doesn't matter. I will tell my friend. She will go for your medicine early." Man shook his head. "I need my pills, my head is burning with pain!" Timothy put his hand on his forehead. "You have a fever. Maybe you should not taking a cold shower for too long like you did yesterday." Old man blinked confusedly on him, but he was gone. Tom looked around himself to find him, but found familiar person only. Alice. He had no idea, who that woman was. But he considered her funny. She had a beautiful wig of blonde hair and her stupid smile... she reminded him of his sister, that passed away two months ago. He missed her so much, his younger sister with mind full of unfinished work- she was hard working workoholic. Really. She spent all her years in job as a secretary. Until the death came for her.

"Hi. What's up, today?" she sat down nearby him and smiled widely. "Im sick, go away." But unfortunately, this silly woman did not leave her place. And what bothered him most, she placed his hand on his shoulder. "I am fine today. I lost my glasses in fire, but I still think you are cutie cookie." These words made him mad, but he did not lost his control. He never harmed the woman and he didn't want to start with that now. So beside that he said: "Leave me alone. I am not shiny, I am not friendly, and lastly I am not cookie!" "Again, Tommy? You are yelling on this lady of mine? She wanted only help you. You are so naughty this week..." He startled, when he saw a man in white gown. This man cursed him, or something? He saw that damn face even in his dreams. "Ain't it Tommy? Our bad boy? Timothy, make him comfortable." he commanded to someone behind the clearly confused old man. "Who are you? And what's wrong with you? I just want to take my medicine and go back to my bed. I am colonel Tom Robbins! And you have no right to arguing with me this way!" Therapeutist smirked on Timothy. "Well, Timothy, follow colonel Tom Robbins to his room and take care of him." Alice obviously shivered and squeezed his arm tightly. "He was good on me. Really. No need to taking care." she whispered to man. He smiled on her. "No, that's OK. He just need some rest. Why are you so concerned, he wasn't good boy for a long time. But if you want, you can go with them up to the room. To see everything is OK." She quickly shook her head. "No, I believe you. Can I go for the breakfast?" The man smiled on her and chased her away. Then he looked at the colonel Tom and said: "Why are you still here? Timothy, are you deaf or something? Go!" Tom stood up from the chair and slowly made his way to the room, that was definitely not his. "Wait. Why we are there?" he turned to Timothy, but he was not here. Tom looked around confusedly, when he heard a sound of turning the key in lock. "Who's there? I need to go back to my room." his own voice sounds shaky, he had no idea why. "Hey! I am still here!" The silence fell to the room, when Tom tried to scream for the help. But he was not alone there. Someone was hiding behind the curtains. "Damn scary stupid old house." Tom mumbled, as he made his way to amazingly damaged bed under the small white window. Shocked you see me? Here you are, such a lovely little boy, scared to death... oh so funny. Tom startled. What was that?! His freaky mind, or was it real? He looked around again, but he saw nothing. His hands began to sweat as he saw a figure behind the curtain. "IS SOMEONE HERE? THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" he screamed, and then fell to the bed from the shock. Maybe even a heart attack and when he tried to move, he blacked out...

"Hay. Moose. Jack. Joey. Call me Hay. I think this is my name." Tom blinked twice, until he realized he wasn't here alone. A really young man, who clearly didn't belong here, was looking at him curiously. "What are you doing here?" The strange man shrugged his shoulders. "Have no idea, u know, I am kinda new here." "Why we are locked here? And who you are?" Man laughed. "I told you. I am Clay. Oh, no. I thought there is something different about it. Wait, no, I am not Clay. Maybe Bay? Or Ray?" Tom Robbins sighed. Young man was clearly confused about his simple question, so he decided to ignore him for a while. When he closed his eyes for while, he heard steps in front of doors. Mumbling of man nearby him stopped. They both stayed calm for while and then someone unlocked the door. Tom sweared and wanted to reach a door, when they slammed against the wall and angry man stepped inside. "SO! Why you are looking at me like this? And what about language?!" Tom stepped back and mumbled something. "But the boy said, he has no idea..." Nurse forced him to bed. "Lay down and sleep, no one is here beside you. So shut your mouth off. Doors will be opened, if you want to go for walk. But remember, don't move now." And he stormed out of the room. Tom was confused. But the boy... it was all his imagination? "Hey, is he gone?" Tom blinked once again, as a young man smiled on him. "Are you ghost or something?" Hay, or any was his name, laughed and then he cleared his throat: "Am not boo-boo thing, you see?!" and he touched his shoulder. Tom slowly nodded, but he was still not sure about what he should think about this man. "I just love to play hide and seek. Let's play with me. You will see that is the fun. Come on, get your lazy ass from the bed." Tom looked at him angrily. "Do you think I am completely dick? If this bitch of man said I need to sleep, I will sleep. Let me be with you stupid games! And you know what? Go away!" Younger man smiled again. "So you countin'?" Tom sighed and finally nodded his head. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." He fell asleep. "Well, well, dear friend of mine, we will see... in hell..." Hay whispered to his ear and faded away with first rays of sun, after that quiet storm.

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