Chapter 1

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"Josh, get over here" Cindy called to me as she tried to open one of the many doors in the hallway we were in. "I need your help with this" I walked over and watched her try and pull the door open. She finally gave up and motioned for me to try and open it. I reached down turned the handle and pushed it open "Sucks being a blonde doesn't it." I smiled at her and she glared back at me before pushing her way into the room. I followed behind her, glancing around making sure it was safe. The room was pretty much empty except for a metal cabinet on the far right side of the room and a hospital need straight ahead. "Have i told you that i think hospitals are creepy?" I said walking towards the bed. "Yes you've said it every time we entered one of the rooms." She snapped "Next time I'm bringing Jerry." I laid down on the bed and immediately regretted it as it broke and collapsed to the floor sending a loud crash through the entire building. Cindy spun around "What hell did you do that for?!?" She said trying not to be too loud but not exactly being quiet. Before i could respond a demonic howl along with the sound of claws scraping the floor bounced through the building. I jumped up "What do we do?" I whispered walking closer to Cindy. She yanked the cabinet open thanking the lord it was entry then pushed me in. "Scoot over dumb ass." She whispered squeezing in next to me before shutting the double doors. Just as the doors closed shut the scratching stopped somewhere in the room followed by a deep growl. A nose filled the room and i couldn't quite figure out what it was then i realized, it found our scent. I could hear the sound of its claws approaching the cabinet we were huddled in. Every step made my heart beat faster. I could hear the creature's breathing now as it sniffed the air. It let out another growl. It knew we were here. I felt Cindy shivering in fear next to me, I would have comfort her but I was as scared as she was. The beast pushed on one of the doors with its head. I squeezed myself farther into the cabinet hoping to hide myself. Cindy turned her head and whispered "Radio" I couldn't figure out what she needn't for a second then i remember the walky-talky in my back pocket. I reached for it but to my utterly surprise it wasn't there. "Fuck" I whispered "It's next to the bed" it had fallen out when I had collapsed the bed and was now laying on the floor on the opposite side of the room. "Hey Josh, we heard the crash everything alright?" Cassidy's voice piped up over the radio. The creature stopped nudging the door and turned towards the noise. "Hey Josh you there?" She said again "Cindy? Anyone?" The creature roared as it tore out of the room to search for the other person who to my knowledge want too far away. Cindy slammed the doors open and ran over to the radio. As she picked it up she pushed the button and started talking "Cassidy listen to me, there is one in the building and it's heading your way." She waited for a response while I watched down the hall for the creature. "What did you say? I couldn't he-" A scream filled the building followed by dead silence. Cindy feel to her knees and let the radio fall from her hand. "Cindy we need to go." I said as she started crying. I walked over and put an arm around her shoulders "We need to go ok?" She nodded and stood. I guided her out and down the hall in the direction we came. I kept walking till we found the main entrance. we rounded the corner to the door but something was already there, not something, someone. "Cassidy" I mumbled under my breath. Her dark brown hair was covering her face but I could see her eyes, they weren't blue anymore. They were black, deep dark black, no white showed at all. Cindy looked up curious why we stopped and fell to her knees "No" she cried "No she can't be....." Her voice trailed off. Cassidy, or the thing controlling Cassidy's body tilted its head to the side and smiled a big smile. "Who wants to play?" I was frozen with fear while Cindy kneeled in the floor muttering the same three words over and over again "she can't be, she can't be, she can't be" Cassidy took a step closer. I glanced down at Cindy and back at Cassidy. "We are going to have a fun time don't you agree." She said followed by a creepy, yet evil laugh. "Cindy we need to go now." I managed to get out as Cassidy approached us with the same wicked smile spread across her face. "NOW!" I shouted to Cindy as i yanked her to her feet. She followed me as we bolted around the demon and out the door. "Get in the car." I said unlocking both doors and jumping in the driver's side, Cindy hopped in next to me and we tore down the road while Cassidy stood at the main entrance screaming at the top of her lungs before the evil presence flew from her body back into the hospital, causing her body to slump and tumble down the stairs. "She's gone" Cindy whispered "She's gone, why did we split up? Why didn't we stick together?" I ignored her question and focused on not tearing up as i drive down the car infested road. As i drove avoiding every car in the way i started thinking "Why did we split up, what did that accomplish." These thoughts swam in my head. I saw a truck out of the corner of my eye and i didn't react fast enough. Cindy screamed and everything went dark.  

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