Hot and Cold

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Chapter 4: Hot and Cold 

Memories of last night swirled through dazed fog in my head. Although still half asleep, I was attempting to sift through which recollections were real and which were drunken dreams.

Evidently, everyone else was already awake. I tried to block out the sounds of shouting and stomping feet in the hall, but the moment I heard something shatter, I knew I couldn’t hide under the blanket forever.

After stretching, I rolled over, only to collide with an unusually cuddly Ronnie. Both our eyes opened simultaneously as he screeched and backed away from me. He ended up getting tangled in the sheets and fell to the floor in an unceremonious heap.

“Ever hear of personal space?” he asked.

“Oh, that’s funny coming from you,” I shot back. “Were you really so drunk last night that you don’t remember making a move on me?”

Ronnie scoffed as he stood up. “Maybe you were too drunk…making up things like that.”

“Oh, she’s not making it up,” Max said, poking his head through the doorway. “We all saw you two swapping saliva!”

Ronnie’s face twisted up as if he’d just tasted something sour. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and forced myself out of the room before I started dwelling in emotional contemplation.

The last thing I needed to do was over think last night. It was just one kiss; end of story.

Besides, there were important things to worry about – like the fact that in a few short hours, the band and I will be heading to the concert venue to practice with MCR. Although I’m not particularly musically inclined, I know enough about guitars, wires, amps, and switchboards to qualify as the band’s guitar tech.

Ronnie sputtered his usual protests, but given the short notice of all this, we really didn’t have much of a choice. You’d think he’d be happy that I’ve already agreed to work for free, but he was still too caught up in this morning’s revelation to think clearly.

After getting dressed and applying makeup, I slipped into some checkered Vans and joined everyone else downstairs.

“I still can’t believe we’re going to meet MCR,” Omar said in a somewhat dreamy tone.

Robert sneaked behind him and pinched his arm. “Hey! What was that for?” Omar growled.

Robert shrugged, acting innocent. “I just wanted to prove that this wasn’t a dream.”

“Aw, thanks for the consideration,” Omar said, his voice oozing with sarcasm.

“Don’t worry, guys, the only one dreaming today is Megan. She actually thinks Gerard Way is going to notice her!” Ronnie bellowed. He received some dull laughter in response, which was clearly far more lackluster than he’d expected.

I crossed my arms over my chest and let my hair fall into my face to cover my blushing cheeks. “Shut up, Ronnie. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“Actually, I think I do,” he replied, taking a few steps in my direction. “Who knew your diary could be such a good read?”

The possibility of him actually reading my diary should’ve been enough to warrant a fit of anger and embarrassment on my behalf, but by some miracle I was able to keep cool.

“Wow, Ronnie, I’m amazed you were even able to read it…considering you failed kindergarten twice. You’ve come a long way!”

Max and I were the only ones who knew that dark little secret, and now his whole band knew. Their concerned stares quickly changed into unstoppable laughter at Ronnie’s expense.

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