Chapter 3 ' BFF time'

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While Niall was eating his pizza. I grab my phone and texted Rose.

H- Hi:) Rose this is Harry.xx

It took a while for her to reply.but my phone lit up and her name was there.

R- Hello. Wasn't expecting you to text me.

H-what are you doing now love?

R- me and my Dad is building a tree house.

H- cool I hope soon I'll help build your tree house 😉.

R- yes Harry soon btw I need to go now my dad is calling.

"Dad I need to go now I'll be back on 6pm"I said hugging him and jog in the car.

So I drove to Emily's house. When I reached Emily's home I press the doorbell waiting

for her to open the door.

"Roseeeeeee" she opened the door and did her weird dance moves.

"You seem a little lighten today. What's up?" I ask as she let me in and sat in her sofa.

"Remember Dann my crush?" She said a happily

" course I remember him how can I forget you will never shut up about him" I said raising my eyebrow

" we are dating!!" She said jumping up and down her sofa

"Really?! Congrats!!" I said and suddenly I fell because she was jumping really high the cause me to bounce.

"Ems stop it I also want to tell you something" i said while grabbing her ankle that cause her to fall to the sofa.

"Oww!! That hurts" she said while pouting

" ok what is that are you going to tell me?" She ask raising her eyebrow

"Harry gave me he's number" I said calmly

" Really?!" She said a bit screaming

"Yes really!!" I said standing up and jump up and down the sofa so did Emily and we started screaming.

The whole time me and Emily was playing Monopoly, god that game takes so long.

"Ems I gotta go it's almost 6 I told my dad I'll be back that time." I said while helping her keep the things that we played.

"Oh ok see you next time and don't do something bad if you and harry are texting or I'll say Sexting. She said smirking, this girl is really pervert

"Hey!!" I said hitting her playfully

"Bye I gotta go" I said while hugging her.

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