A Goodbye

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The boy stood on the edge of the building, ignoring his forster- no.. his mother and his sister's cries. He made himself pretend the sobs and pleads didn't bother him. The gun was pressed against his temple, fully loaded and cocked. His mother dropped to her knees and beside her, his sister. They begged and pleaded him to stop. Though he wish he could, with all his might, he wished he could be with them. Even as the tears began to fall from his own face, or the wind that tried to push him away from the edge. He could not stop.
"Please my son. Get down from there." The mother pleaded through her sobs. The boy let a noise pass his lips, it was between a sob and cough.
He forced himself to open his eyes and look at the ones he learned to love, for so long. He found a family.
"It's for the best." He whispered, his lips forming the words but his mind already set to pull the trigger. And soon, his fingers followed.
A bang.
A scream.
And a thud from below.
That was how the story ended.

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