"It's Fine."

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When did things turn out like this?

What happened to make me like this?

Why did I have to become this?

When did I start hiding behind the words "I'm fine."?

When did I start lying to hide the fact that I miss who I used to be?

When did I start to hate the world?

When did I start to push those who meant everything to me, away?

What happened to those words we promised each other?

"I'll never leave."

What happened to cause you to hate me?

What happened to make me think this way?

Why did we end up splitting apart?

Why did we go our sperate ways?

Why did I say I was fine? When what I really needed, was for you to tell me.. That it was going to be okay.

Tell me it's okay to not be okay.

Tell me you won't leave me.

Tell me you're still there.

Let me know I can trust you.

Let me know that I can finally mean, "I'm fine."

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