Lingering Thoughts

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Sam and Colby Fanfiction

Okay so.. I wrote this at 1-2:30 in the morning. So if there's​ any mistakes, that's why. Don't judge me. I have been watching their videos for the past couple of days, and I am in love with Colby. I thought their relationship was cute, and I really want them to kiss. But since I couldn't find any fanfiction that I'd like, I wrote my own. Hate me if you will. But I am loving it.

So if you don't get the reference to Sam Pepper, he is/was a prankster on YouTube. I think either he got banned, or most of his videos were deleted. Because some of his pranks aren't....... Well, they're messed up. So if you want to know what I'm talking about, you can find it on YouTube. It's called, something like.. 'BEST FRIEND MURDERED' it's posted by someone else since Sam Pepper had to delete it.

If you don't know who Sam and Colby are.... That's okay. You might not get the fanfiction though.. but they're awesome. So check their channel out. @SamandColby

Something annoying that just started to happen, was waking up too early. And for Sam, it was happening too often. It was odd, ever since the prank Sam Pepper did on him, he was having trouble sleeping. The thought of losing his friend, just.. he couldn't handle it. It was Sam and Colby. Not just Sam. He couldn't do it without the silly brunette. It started as thoughts, but soon developed in full on nightmares. And Sam was tired of it.

Sam woke up early for the fifth time that week, he groaned at himself and turned to check the time. He ran a hand down his face and tried rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He checked the alarm clock next to him and sighed. 7:36 AM. Another early morning. He rolled to the other side and closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep. After an hour of trying, he just couldn't do it. 8:38 AM he decided to roll out of bed.

It was late enough to start the day, so that's what he did. He stretched and made a weird noise. Then laughed at himself for making that noise. He found some sweatpants and put them on, along with a random sweatshirt. Huh, it was one of Colby's. Someone must of put it in with his laundry. He made a mental note of fixing that later, but for now, he was fine with wearing it. He looked at himself in the mirror and ran a hand down his face. He tried making the tiredness of his eyes to go away, rubbing the sleep off his face. And failed.

He turned to the door before hearing his phone go off, someone was calling him this early? He walked over to where he left it on the side table, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why didn't he take it with him? He blamed it on lack of sleep and checked who was calling. It was one of his friends from Kansas, he frowned, wondering what they were doing up. He answered the call, only to find out he was butt dialed. He laughed with the friend before they hung up and moved on. He slipped his phone into his pocket before turning to leave.

He pushed on the door softly to exit, looking down the long, empty hallway. He slowly and quietly, left his room and closed the door. He remembered one of his friends, he didn't remember who, mentioned a cold going around. He then remembered his best friend Cody wasn't feeling well yesterday. He smiled and thought to go check up on the boy. Finding something to do, his feet slowly made their way (with the rest of his body) to Colby's room. He paused when noticing the door was slightly opened, and used his finger tips to push it all the way open. He walked in a couple steps, only to frown when seeing the bed was empty. No lump with brown hair.

Sam sighed before leaving his best friends room to go downstairs. He sang a song in his head, one that's been stuck for awhile now. Once he got to the main floor, he headed to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. He opened the cupboard to find some cereal, then the fridge to get some milk. While making his bowl, he thought about where his friend would've disappeared too. He figured Colby was in the bathroom or something, and went away with eating his cereal.

Once finished, he dropped the bowl and spoon in the sink and returned the milk. He thought about what to do while he waited for the others to wake up. He decided to go to the living room and look at the progress of their newest video. He slowly made his way to the living room, only to stop when he spotted a familiar mop of brown hair. A grin pulled at the edges of his lips and he tip-toad around the couch. He stopped to look at his best friend, his grin softening to a smile.

Colby was out like a light. His hair everywhere, it was unrecognizable really. He lay on his stomach, an arm over his face. He looked uncomfortable, but Sam wasn't going to do anything about it. A blanket was draped over his back, not yet reaching his feet. Instead, most of the fabric was on the floor. The blonde head sat by his friends head, pulling his feet up onto the couch along with him.

He noticed a bottle of night-quill on the table, and assumed Colby took some the night before. He smirked at the thought of pranking him, and putting him in the pool. He changed his mind when Colby noticeably turned his head, a small whimper left his lips. Sam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, why would Colby make that noise. He was asleep. Was he uncomfortable? Should Sam move him? He won't wake up, the kid was a heavy sleeper.

Sam watched his friend for awhile longer, trying to figure out why he made that noise. He didn't make the noise again, so Sam decided to drop it. He pulled out his phone and checked his Twitter. He scrolled down, checking all the post of the people he followed. His eyes glancing back at his sleeping friend. Maybe he wasn't feeling well, and that's why he whimpered. He assumed that was it, and decided to find a way to make his friend feel better.

First, he fixed the blanket. Now it didn't lay on the bed, instead, it covered Colby. Next, he adjusted his friend so he wasn't in an uncomfortable position.

After that, he didn't know what else to do. He couldn't remember a time when one of them were sick, so he wasn't sure what to do. He thought about going to wake up one of his other roommates, but decided against it. It was probably a small cold, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But still, it caused Sam to worry. A pit in his stomach was pulling his attention from everything else he tried to do. He looked back at his friend, his mind going back to when he thought he died.

Tears sprung to his eyes of the thought of losing his friend. Of course, a small cold wouldn't end his friends life. But the thought still lingered. He didn't hate them for the prank, instead, it drew them closer. He was happy his friend wasn't actually dead, and just wanted to hold him. He wrapped his arms around his own chest, hugging himself tightly.

Looking at Colby, Sam got that feeling again. He just wanted to hug him, cold him close. He wanted to remind himself, his friend is still there. So, moving the blanket and his friend, Sam found himself laying by his best friend. He rolled onto his side and looked at the brunette. A small smile replacing the look he had before. Colby was okay. He was still there.

Colby woke to find arms wrapping around his waist, he turned his head to find Sam laying next to him. A smile pulled on his lips when he realized why his best friend was there. He probably had trouble sleeping, thinking about the prank before, and came to find Colby asleep. The dark haired one adjusted himself so he could wrap his own arms around Sam.

Sam jumped slightly when Colby moved, not realizing he was awake. A small, emabaressed  blush found its way onto his usual, pale face. He looked at his friends face, locking eyes with the blue ones. He smiled again and pulled his friend close and stayed like that.

"I'm happy you're still alive." Sam said, before he could stop himself.

"Me too." Colby replied. He closed his eyes and somehow knew, Sam did the same.

Before they knew it, they were asleep in each other's arms.

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