Ch 6: Hothead

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~~~~~~Marshal's P.o.V~~~~~~
"WELL IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME YOU TWO!" Echoes through the room making me jump back from Gumball, accidentally kneeing him in the nuts in the process.
  "Agh! Fuck!" Gumball yells in shock while cupping him self as me and the intruder stare at him wide eyed.
---- A few minutes pass ----
"I'm sorry Bubbah I didn't mean to" I say for the 50th time but he doesn't budge from glaring at me with his arms crossed.
"So Um.... Who are you?" Gumball asks calmly changing his gaze to the intruder.
"Dude. You've gotta be kidding me! This has gotta be some sorta joke!" The intruder loudly exclaimed, startling Gumball a little bit. "How do you not know who I am?!" Continued the intruder.
"Dude quiet down this is a hospital" I calmly tell him and he apologizes and sits down in one of the chairs by the bed.
  "This isn't a joke... Bubbah has some memory loss sadly... but it is coming back in bits and pieces" I explain.
"Oh. Dude that sucks I'm sorry... well I better reintroduce myself then... I am... Flame Prince! Well that's what everyone calls me. Because of my awesome red hair! That I dyed my self" the intruder, I mean Flame Prince, says smiling a little at the end.
"And because of your firey temper" I mumble snickering a little bit.
"SHUT UP NO ITS NOT" The hot head yells in response, just further proving my point. A nurse pokes her head in shushing him, he apologizes quietly and says he'll be quiet.
"Anyway FP's real name is Fr-" And suddenly FP's hand is over my mouth preventing me from saying his actual name. I raise my eye brow a him and he laughs awkwardly. I motion my eyes to tell him to move his hand and he doesn't.... so I do the most logical thing and lick his hand.
"Ew!" Flamey quietly screams recoiling, quickly removing his hand from my mouth then wipes his hand on me. Or should I say tries, me and my super awesome ninja skillz dodge the slimey hand and I hit the inside of his elbow making his hand go up and I push it back making him wack himself in the face with the palm of his hand.
"Woah! That was so cool!" Gumball exclaims as Flame prince is grumbling about me cheating and what not. I laugh and pat FP on the back.
"You can do that too Gum, we took a lot of classes back way back when. You are way better at it than I am. That's probably because you practiced" I say with a chuckle.
"Wait really?" Gumball asks and tilts his head questioningly.
"Yeah you were like always 2 belts higher than I was. You probably remember all the stuff because of muscle memory." I say, looking over to the mumbling, pouting hothead.
"Stop pouting. You know better than to do stuff like that to me." I say and ruffle his hair.
"AHH MY HAIR"  The hothead jumps back to lick to his "wounds."  I look back at Gumball and he's starring right through everything. I wait for him to regain focus, cause he might be remembering something.

~~~~ Chapter End~~~~~
Hey everyone I bet you didn't expect that! Sorry it's so short, next chapter will be longer cause it's a flashback!
If you enjoyed my new chapter then don't forget to:
Fish! 🐟

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