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The world passes me in a blur. I have been driving for two days, and my world is crumpling. I don't know if anywhere is safe anymore. I have worked so hard to be happy in my life, to assist my sister. I have no idea how to survive without her. She was my rock through every trial and tribulation. She comforted me when our mom passed and was immovable when our father followed her. She helped me train and see there is a reason for everything in life. When my childhood best friend and love disappeared without a trace, she was there. Maybe I leaned on her too much. I was always at her side for anything she needed, even at the expense of myself. I felt I owed her for always being there for me. Yet, when she needed me the most, she sent me away. She told me to leave with her son and not look back. I did. I knew I should have fought her but I couldn't. 

From birth she was raised to be the leader of our pack; the Luna. She always had this pressure that I never had to endure. She knew pack policies and how to charm even the most brandish of Alphas. She was the perfect heir. I never hated her for it. I knew that she was the one born for that role. Now that she was ripped from us that role falls to me until Ronin, my infant nephew, turns 18.

I shake my head trying to keep back the tears. Now is not the time to cry. I need to make sure Ronin and I are safe before I let myself break. I should have called Alpha Jared. He would have taken us in but I fled leaving my phone behind. I should be trying to contact any possible survivors. Moreover, I should have died fighting alongside my sister. Am I a coward for leaving even though she told me to with her dying breath? I look in the rearview mirror and my nephew is sleeping peacefully. He isn't old enough to understand what happened. That he and I are orphans. That we don't have any family left in this world but each other.

I'm only 23, I am not ready to be a mother but, I don't have a choice in this any longer. I have to raise Ronin to be a great alpha for whatever pack we have left. Elias, Ronin's father and my sister, Xevera's mate was always the clown. Even with being born an Omega he was my sister's perfect match. They didn't mate and mark each other as soon as they found out. He courted her. Took her on dates and made grand gestures. These things didn't stop once they mated and married, he continued to almost worship the ground she walked on. I think he didn't feel worthy of an Alpha's daughter. He always seemed to let my sister take the lead and supported her when she needed it. Most packs thought that arrangement odd. Even my dear friend Jared, males usually ran the pack and the Luna was a supporting role. Elias insisted that my sister was better equipped and he was happy to step in should she need him.

I have always hoped to find a mate like that who was supportive and loving and everyday felt like we were freshly meeting. I'm not sure when or if I will find him. I am considered too old to be unmated. Many Alphas who had lost their Luna or were unmated bugged my sister to court me and maybe marry me. She tried to hide all the inquests, but I knew. Any event we had with other packs the higher-ranking males flocked to me. I hated it, most of them only wanted to marry for the strong blood line. My sister, Elias' sister; Gwyen and I would laugh at the faces they'd make when I shot them down. They both knew I was holding out for my mate. That I wanted the love Elias and Vera shared. I would be happy being a rogue's mate if it meant I found my perfect match.

My car dings and I look down breaking from my thoughts. I need gas. I pull off on the next exit and feel the wash of crossing territory lines. A chill runs down my spine. I have to stop here and just hope and pray I don't run into wolves of this unfamiliar pack. I park my car next to one of the pumps and leave it running so not to disturb Ronin. I check for any baby supplies they may have as I am almost out of diapers and formula. These are not what I normally use but I grab them anyway because I don't know when I'll be stopping again.

I walk up to counter to pay and the cashier's eyes flash black with recognition. He knows I am a wolf. His Adams apple bobs as he swallows.

"40 on pump 3. I'm just stopping for gas then I'll be on my way I promise. I don't want trouble." I say handing him a hundred.

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