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I am finally recovered from my heat. My first day back to training and Luther made me run the ten miles for being late the last time and then ten more for some reason I didn't really pay attention to. We have increased patrols as Nikoli will be here in two days. The warriors have been training night and day only stopping to eat and sleep. Cassius and I agreed it would be best if I took the Assessment before the attack. It will boost moral and show the warriors I would be fighting along side them. Cass and I have been working on my powers. Since Sumner was away on business. I can conjure them with little thought now. I have been included in every meeting outside of my training hours. Cassius and I have decided to mate once we get through these next few days. The first few days of new mates are wild. You can't keep your hands off each other, can't eat or sleep. It takes about two days to wear off. We just can't handle the distraction right now.

I walk up the steps of the pack house in my training leathers. I didn't have time to change before our lunch meeting. I make my way up the stairs to Cassius's office. As I turn the corner, I run into some one. We fall to the floor as I see Emrys above me, a chilling smile on her face. My neck burns as she presses a silver dagger to it. "You better watch your back rogue." She growls pressing the knife a little harder making me wince at the searing pain. I spit in her face as I reach up grabbing her hair and yanking her beside me. Following the momentum, I land on top of her pinning both of her arms with my knees. I click my tongue at her shaking my head. Ripping the dagger from her hand I secure it in the sheath on my hip.

"haven't you realized you can't win?" I hiss at her. She snarls in return. I laugh to myself causing her eyes to darken. "Your brother's training has been paying off and Cassius has been occupying my bed. Yet you still think you can beat me." I smirk wickedly. I am over taking the high road with her. "You pull another stunt like this, and I won't hesitate to snap your neck." I whisper so quietly only she could hear me. I smile baring my teeth in warning. "Go lick you wounds and get the hell out of my face." I growl getting to my feet. She growls getting to her feet turning then walking away.

I dust off my already dirty leathers and turn to find Sumner leaning against the door frame of Cass's office. The door closed behind him. "What, didn't want to help?" I ask walking toward him. "You don't need my help. You had it under control." He says with pride in his eyes. I shrug hugging him as I approach. Sumner had been banished from his house while I was in heat and the last few days was called away to another pack. I had missed our banter. I pull away a smile spread wide on my face. "Where did you run off to anyway?" I ask crossing my arms. "you'll find out in the meeting." He says smirking as he reaches for the door to the office.

I walk in eyeing Luther and Gwyen; Falcon who I had learned is Cassius's Gamma and his mate Viatrix; Quinn and Briar; and our captain of the guard Xerxes and his stunning mate Imarie. They all stand greeting me, "hello Luna" in unison. I had gotten more used to the formalities in more formal situations. I bow my head slightly "hello." I smile in response. Xerxes eyes the blade on my hip raising one dark eyebrow in curiousness. I have learned that if he wants to know something he will ask. I make my way to one of the chairs turned away from Cassius's desk. As I sit so do the others. Sumner takes a seat next to Luther and Gwyen on one of the couches.

Luther also still in his training leathers eyes the blade I acquired a few moments ago as well. His eyes go wide as he studies the blade. He looks up to me and his eyes soften with grief. I'm sure he will ask me later. He tends to only speak when spoken to in these meetings. I asked him during training once why he wasn't more outspoken in the meetings, he said "I prefer to observe and report back my finding to Cass." He said with a shrug. I didn't push it then and I won't push it now.

Cassius likes to be the last to arrive. I think he likes the attention even if he won't admit it. We sit quietly waiting for him. a few minutes pass and my body is starting to become sore. The adrenaline from training and dealing with Emrys finally wearing off. I stand, my muscle screaming at me as I make my way to the coffee pot. Poring myself a cup I smell the rich aroma before returning to my seat. As I go to sit Cassius enters. Everyone in the room stands greeting him in unison. He nods returning the hello. I gently sip my coffee as he walks over to me kissing me on the forehead. "Hello, my love." He says with a smile. I try to push down the warmth of his kiss and my cheeks flushing as he turns facing the room and taking his seat.

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