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Sumner helped me settle into my own room and he had set up a nursery for Ronin. The house was quiet. I explored and found a small sitting room with bookshelves lining the walls. I walked along them running my fingers down the spines. "You are welcome to them." Sumner says causing me to jump. I place my hand on my chest trying to steady my heart. Sumner leans against the door frame. "Thank you." I say returning to my book browsing. "So," he says moving to one of the couches. I stop turning slightly toward him. "So?" I say back. "What you did earlier, have you ever done that before?" he asks placing his hands behind his head.

He looks so comfortable here. "no." I say shaking my head. "And you aren't scared?" he asks studying my face. I drop my head a little. "No, it... it felt right." I says looking back at him as I feel a smile tug on my lips. "I should be terrified right?" I ask playing with my fingers. He shrugs. "No, I have heard legends about wolves who develop... abilities." He says now closing his eyes leaning his head back against his hands. I take a seat on one of the chairs. "Like?" I ask. He shrugs, "I assumed they were legends. I never paid too much attention." He says wiggling into the couch more. I stand, "I'm going to make dinner what sounds good?" I ask making my way for the door. "I am supposed to have dinner at the pack house, you can make whatever you'd like." He says. I nod more to myself as his eyes are still closed and make my way to the kitchen.

Shortly after I finish making dinner, Sumner leaves for the pack house. I pick a book from the sitting room and eat the chili that I made. When I finish eating, I put away the leftovers and wash the dishes. Ronin begins to cry, and I slowly make my way to his nursery across the hall from my room. I go through our normal routine and lay him back to bed. I turn on the baby monitor and walk across the hall to my room. I lay in bed reading until I can't keep my eyes open.

I'm lying, as my wolf, in the same meadow as this morning. I quickly stand up and search the tree line. On the far side, there stands the same black wolf as before. He starts trotting toward me and nuzzles my chin. Why is he being so affectionate? He shifts out of his wolf form, and I do the same. He pulls me against him. I don't fight, I want to see what he thinks this will achieve. I want him to believe I trust him.

He dips his head into the crook of my neck and inhales deeply. "Oh, my precious Luna, I have found where you have been hiding from me and I am coming for you." he says still inhaling my scent. If he found me does that mean he is going to attack Cassius's pack? Will they be able to defend themselves? I must tell Sumner and Cass so they can prepare. Nikoli breaks my train of thought when he kisses me. Why the hell is he being so nice? I don't kiss him back and he pulls away. "What is it baby?" he asks pulling me in real close. I hate the proximity and a shiver is sent down my spine, and not like the ones I get when Cass touches me. "I'm just thinking." I say trying not to lie, because I've never been a very good liar. "What were you thinking about baby?" He asks leaning into me. "When are you coming for me?" I ask dousing my voice with honey. To add to the façade, I am trying to keep I lean in closer to him. "In a week my love." He purrs. I nod and smile. "I can't wait." I lean into him more. He tries to kiss me again and I pull away. He growls at me, and I smile. "won't it be sweeter in person?" I say playfully. He nods before walking back into the woods. "I'll see you in a week my love." He speaks.

I wake up in a dark room, my stomach feels heavy and my throat tingles. I quickly get out of bed and make it to the bathroom before my stomach empties itself. I heave until there is nothing left. Flushing the toilet, I slump on the ground as sobs wreck through me. The cold tile floor soothes my warm skin, and my body begins to shake. I lay on the floor as the room brightens, signaling its almost dawn. I force myself to get up and make my way back to my room. I dress in my training leathers and boots preparing for my training with Luther this morning.

I go to check on Ronin and find him asleep in Sumner's arms. "I have training with Luther. You could send for Gwyen or Briar to watch him." I say walking farther into the nursery. He nods and shoos me away with his hands. As I walk out, I hear him hum a lullaby to him.

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