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(Jungkook POV)


chimchim_ : can i call you?

Oh no.

I couldn't let him know that he's been exchanging texts with the weird kid for these past two weeks. That each night before bed, he'd been messaging 'good night' and 'sleep well' to that kid with the weird voice.

goldenboy : no |

goldenboy : no|

goldenboy : n|

I had to admit, as much as I wanted to decline and pretend that I'm not whom I actually am in person; 

I wanted to hear his voice.

In this house that emitted rays of loneliness from its light bulbs and speakers, so devoid of some spark, it would truly appreciate a note of comfort.

goldenboy : yes |

I pressed send.

I sent him my phone number, fingers sweaty and forehead shearing with a film of sweat. I was terrified.

My phone rang and I jolted, screen displaying a foreign number.

Now or never, Jungkook.

I accepted the call and lifted the phone to my ear, praying he didn't hear my ragged breaths and anxiety over the line.



His voice was sunlight, pure rays of light streaming through. 


His voice was. . . Jimin.

Jimin . . . Park Jimin.

And it almost sent me into panic.

I gulped, blinking rapidly and fingers tingling.

The author whom I adored and read every single story of was Park Jimin? 

Oh no.


An exclaim and then, a giggle from the other end.

"You sound so cute!"

My face burned and I lifted my other hand to my face, shielding my mouth from saying something stupid or emitting a weird noise.

"So tell me, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," I replied.

He made a disapproving sound.

"C'mon, don't lie to me. Y'know, before it was difficult for me to tell whether you were actually feeling down or something 'cause it was just texting. But hearing your voice and seeing how you were neglecting my texts for a while," he paused and I held my breath, "you're not okay."

You're not okay.

I hadn't heard anybody say that to me in so long, I couldn't remember the last time someone had said that. 

It felt relaxing, in a way. For someone to lift your hands from your eyes and look at you and tell you that you don't have to lie anymore for the sake of hiding the truth.

Maybe it was the sincerity and sureness that was present in his words or perhaps it was just due to my weak and exhausted state, but whatever it was, I caught my guard slipping away and my voice leaking out from my teeth.

"And seriously, don't tell me you've got a girlfriend or something that's not treating you right 'cause if she isn't, I will make sure to set that woman strai--"

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