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(Jungkook POV)


"Jungkook. . ." My name sounded so magnificent as it rolled off his tongue, sending shivers down my spine.

"Be my boyfriend." My breath hitched and I forced my eyes to meet his glazed ones, lips slightly parting as he was leaning in. My hands found them tugging onto his shirt as I felt myself grow impatient from the absence of his touch.

Our lips gravitated towards each other as his hand softly cupped my cheek and his eyes closed and so did mine and his tongue snaked along his lower lip as I found myself getti--

I groaned at the sound of my alarm ringing and I yelled into my pillow out of frustration. I wriggled my legs and kicked away my blanket, instantly shivering from the whiff of cold.

I sat up right and saw my reflection in the mirror in front of the bed. I hated that, seeing myself. I'd always told myself I'd move it somewhere else around my room, but never got around to it. I rolled my teary eyes, remembering my dream about a certain orange haired male, feeling myself deflate at the thought of it never coming true.

Damn you, Park Jimin.


I eyed the lunch my mum had packed for me before she left for work. I never really had an appetite, especially after witnessing the many students chattering amongst themselves in the cafeteria. But sitting here alone, the thought of eating felt quite unnecessary.

Especially since I needed to become skinny.

It was never enough, skipping the meals. I'd even tried working out, but my body could never be up to it. So whenever my mother would give me dinner, I'd have to rush to the bathroom when she'd be out of sight and force myself to throw up the food.

But staring at the little star shaped sandwiches my mum had spent extra time on, I picked it up and took a few careful bites, immediately darkening at the feeling in my stomach. I quickly put it back down, regretting the way my body would grow another layer of fat. Whenever I'd eat on those rare occasions, I'd imagine the number on the weight scale increasing and I felt like crying right there.

I put away my lunch and slung my backpack over my shoulder, deciding to go the library, my safe haven.

As I made my way to the comics section, I thought of which one to check out. Then I remembered the one chimchim had been talking about in his latest author's note and started to search for it.

I approached the shelf, humming a song amidst the quiet and peaceful library. I traced my fingers along the spines of the comics, smiling at the smooth plastic binding grazing my fingers. They stopped on a particular one and I gleamed at finally finding in. I picked it up and started to flip through it, until I caught a shock of orange hair standing on the other side of the shelf, his back turned to me.

I felt myself freeze as I clutched the comic book in my hand. Oh man, Park Jimin was literally a meter away from me and my heart rate accelerated.

He turned around and I felt as if my feet were glued to the floor when his eyes met with mine. Relaxed orbs soon turned into crescents as he smiled at me. Heat was radiating off of me and palms were sweating against the book in my hand.


My eyes widened when I heard it escape from his lips.

Just say hi back, Jungkook. Or just smile back. No, just nod, don't look desperate.

But the apprehensive me felt timid and I couldn't feel anything except for the loud thuds in my chest. Could he hear it as well?

And the thought was soon gone when I felt the nauseous feeling in my stomach, the forced lunch from earlier making me feel sick. A bitter taste was evading my taste buds as I realised what was coming up my throat. I let the comic book fall to the carpeted floor,

and I ran.


(Jimin POV)

I saw the boy run and I immediately felt bad. Was I being too creepy? Always smiling at him whenever I'd see him on the bus and trying to catch his eye when he'd walk with his head down through the hallways.

He'd look away every time I'd smile at him on the bus and I would feel a pang inside me. Everyone wanted to be acknowledged by me, but I wanted to be acknowledged by him.

I walked to where he'd been previously standing and picked up the book he'd dropped. I felt myself smile when I noticed our similar taste. Maybe we could talk about our favourite comics one day, maybe we could bond over it as well.

But how could we do that when he practically hated me?

When gestures won't start something, perhaps words could.

So I ran out the library, earning a scowl from the librarian and I caught sight of him rushing inside the boys bathroom. I trailed after his footsteps, ignoring my friend's callings to me and entered the bathroom.

I heard the sound of someone wrenching and coughing coming from the closed stall.

He was puking.

I immediately felt concerned and knocked on the stall, hoping he wasn't about to fall unconscious in there.

"Hey, you okay in there?"

The sound stopped and I gulped, wondering if he'd found me creepy to have followed him all the way to the bathroom. Seconds passed and still, there was no response.

"Um, would you like me t--"

The stall opened and I met the eyes of a rosy cheeked male. His teary eyes looked away from me and he stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do so I stood there as well, taking in his pale lips and the fingers nervously brushing on the edge of his black jeans.

He looked up at me again through his eyelashes and then to the sink behind me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said dumbfounded and stepped out of his way.

He rinsed his mouth and washed his hands, wiping them on his jeans instead of using the hand dryer beside him.

And he walked out.

I stood there, blank. This time, his bangs were pushed back and I had seen his forehead for the first time. His fingers, although long, were quite slim and so were his legs. He had round, innocent eyes and his body was quite lean.

A bit too lean.

But after thinking back to all the times I'd seen him walk through the hallways and past me on the bus, close enough for me to smell that floral scent, and even this time, when I'd talked to him for the first time, I realised;

I didn't even know what his voice sounded like.



Yessss they finally met~

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