Chapter 1

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"So, this is it

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"So, this is it.... Come on, we have to find the guild master, if he's not here we can always hang around till he does get here." I said to Rachel, waiting for her to catch up. "Let's do this! I can't believe that I'll meet THE PantherLily!" Rachel said back. We ran as fast as we could to the front door. We looked at each other moment then pushed the heavy door as hard as we could. Everyone stared at us. "So, who's the chick?" I heard someone snicker. I breathed in, held my head high, and walked to the bar. "Sorry sweet pea, but you have to be a guild member to come into here." Said the man next to me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He wasn't all special, just an ordinarly guy. He had brownish blonde hair and was wearing a black shirt with a brown vest and khakis. "My names Max, are you needing a job done or something?" He said. This time I looked straight at him. "No, I'm here to join." I said back. He laughed, "Sorry kiddo, but we only take the best, why don't you go home and have dinner." At that time, everyone started to laugh, I looked over to Rachel, who was intently looking for PantherLily. Rachel had dreamed about meeting PantherLily every since the Edolas incident. Thousands of Exceeds had covered the sky and all of them had some sort of story about Lily. "I am stong, and don't call me kiddo." I said to this Max guy. "Sure you are," he said, "trust me girly, everyday we have someone like you come in and think they are just good enough to join Fairy Tail. If your so stong, Prove it." At that time, he was making my blood boil. "Alright, just know it's your funeral." I said. "Miss? may I have a beer quick? I need to get drunk if I want this to be a challenge." The bartender looked at me, her eyes pleaded with me to say sorry and leave. But she didn't know who I was, so she didn't know my magic. "Do you want to do two on two? I work better with my partner." I said to Max, who seemed ready to be steaming. "Sure, whatever helps you the most, you need as much of it as you can get." He said to me.

     "Are, you ready?" Max said from the other side of the field. We had made our way outside so we wouldn't destroy the guild hall. "3,2,1, GO!" a man from the crowd said. Yes, we had a crowd, everyone wanted to see what I was capable of, and I was going to show them. Max whipped his hands up, suddenly a tornado of sand engulfed me. I giggled, this was pathetic, he was so weak. I didn't want them to know what type of magic I had just yet. So I simply called Rachel, we burst through the tornado easily, this time it was his partner's turn. Gray Fullbuster, I had seen him in many magazines and apparently had a habit of stripping. Which was quite obvious with him standing there in only his underwear. "Nice boxers," I said, "Where are the whitey tightys." I giggled at my own joke. It seemed the crowd liked it so it worked out great. He put his hands together, ignoring my comment. "Ice make hammer!" he yelled. Out of thin air, a giant hammer appeared, slamming right on me and Rachel. They all thought we were done, but I had my own magic, and it was a perfect time to use it.

 They all thought we were done, but I had my own magic, and it was a perfect time to use it

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Fairy Tail - Yukimori MizukiWhere stories live. Discover now