Normal (Kingbury)

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KG3 sat on his throne. He was incredibly bored. He just wanted someone to talk to. He may seem like an intimidating jerk, but inside he was just a smol, lonely bean.

Suddenly Seabury walked in. The King was excited to finally talk to someone. "Hello Seabury," he crooned excitedly.

"Hello Your Highness," Seabury said. The king smiled a little. "So any new gossip I should know about?" Seabury wracked his brain. "Well Hamilton & Laurens have a thing. They're trying to hide it but it's so obvious." The king sighed. He wished he could be in on gossip.

Wait...maybe he could. If he was normal, if he wasn't a king. He could be free to do whatever. "What is it like, being a commoner?" He asked Seabury.

Seabury's smile dropped. He thought that the king, like everyone else, was ditching him because of his low social status. "Um you mean normal?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, normal," the king said. "Oh. Yeah. "Um.. I mean you probably wouldn't like it.. you have so much money, and power, you wouldn't want to live like we do," Seabury said quietly.

"Oh of course not," The king said, forcing a laugh. "I just wanted to know." Seabury looked conflicted. "But I'm your...friend I guess? I hope you consider me your friend," he said shyly. "I mean, I have it better than most. I'm allowed in your palace," he said, smiling.

"Yeah, actually. You are my friend," he said, not making eye contact. "I'm glad..." Seabury said. He wanted to be more than friends, but that would never happen. It couldn't.

"Yeah..." George said. Sam was why he had gotten the whole normal idea in the first place. He thought that maybe if he was normal, they could be more than friends, but that would never happen. It couldn't, couldn't it?

"So um now that we're friends, what do we do?" He asked. He had never really had a friend before. He wasn't sure what to do.

"Well we could...see a play," Sam said. George thought this was an excellent idea. "Yes of course!" He exclaimed. Sam squirmed. "I've never actually seen one before, didn't have the money," he said, looking down.

"Well then this will be extra fun," he said excitedly. He felt bad for him but he couldn't help. It'd be too out of character for him.

"Y-you'd pay?" Sam said, looking up at him. "Yes..." He mumbled, not making eye contact. "Really? Thank you!" Sam squealed. It took all of his willpower not to kiss him right there. George smiled. He was adorable.

"Then it's a date!" He said, smiling. George's eyes widened. "No, I'm so sorry Your Highness. I-I didn't mean it like that. I should get going now," he said in a rushed tone. He began to walk out.

"No wait..." George called. Sam spun around, close to tears. "You didn't do anything wrong," he said, feeling a blush creep on to his cheeks.

"W-really?" Sam asked. "Yeah, it's okay...Look Sam I," he started. "I-I think you're a very good person," he said. He was trying to say that he liked him. "Look if you want this to be a date, I'd be okay with that," he mumbled quickly.

Sam's eyes lit up. George smiled. Then he realized how hard this would be. "Just you can't tell anyone and we can't really act like a couple in public. It's just...I don't know if people would be okay with..."

Sam's smile faded. "No I get it," he said. Why had he ever thought this could be possible? Of course this was all fake. George picked up on it. "I-I didn't mean it like that. I just..."

Sam still wasn't convinced. George was panicking now. He stared at Sam's sad face for a few seconds before pulling him into a hug. "I'm not good at apologizes," he whispered. Sam smiled. Maybe this could work.


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