Café (Mullette & Lams)

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"Bonjour mon amis!" Laf called to his friends. He was meeting them for a secret reason at the café they usually went to. He thought it was a bit strange. They were all giggling & smiling when they invited him. He sat down at a table. Only Herc was there.

"Oh 'i," he squeaked, blushing. He was okay around Herc if everyone else was there but alone, he could barely keep his composure. "Hey," Herc said back, smiling. He had known something was up when he was invited. Everyone had been giggling & smiling. He expected something to happen.

Alex, Burr & Laurens were hiding behind a bush in the corner. They had set this up to get Laf & Herc together. It was obvious that they liked each other. All they had to do was wait.

" are you...?" Herc asked. "Aye'm good, mon ami. Et toi?" Herc looked confused. "Oh sorry, I meant how about you?" He always broke into French more when he was nervous.

Herc smiled. "I'm good. But I feel like the others should be here. This whole thing feels like a set up..." Herc was nervous. He really liked Laf, be he probably didn't feel the same way.

Laf looked at him. "'Yeah, tres weird. It's like zey want us to be alone. I couldn't imagine why, zough...not at all." Laf smiled nervously.

Meanwhile, behind the bush, Alex was watching intently. Laurens was watching Alex with rosy cheeks. He was sure he liked Alex more than Laf could ever like Herc. He scooched up a bit to be next to Alex.

"How's it going over there? Any progress yet?"he asked. Alex spun around, a small blush creeping on to his cheeks. "Oh uh not yet. But they might be on to us." Laurens frowned a little. They needed to get together. It would be so cute. Plus then, he could get with Alex without the others obsessing over it. This had to happen.

Herc smiled at Laf. His eyes were shining brightly & his cheeks were red. "Je t'aime," Laf muttered under his breath. He knew Herc didn't know what that meant.

Herc had been practicing French. He didn't know that much but he picked up on the small phrase. "Je t'aime aussi," he replied shyly.

Laf looked up with wide eyes. "Did you just say...?" Herc smiled. "Oui," he said before leaning in & interlocking lips with him. He smiled into the kiss.

Laf was shocked. First of all, Herc knew French?!?? And secondly, what just happened?!?? Were they really kissing right now? What was happening? He was confused but enjoyed it nevertheless.

Alex looked at the group. "They kissed, it worked!" He exclaimed. Everyone popped out from behind the bush. "Surprise!" They called to the pair who were still touching foreheads. They immediately pulled back. "You were watching?" Herc called, only a little angry. "Well we sort of set this up," Laurens admitted. Then everyone started cracking up.

But the story doesn't end here.

After everyone was ready to leave, John pulled Alex aside. "Hey Alex, all of this has convinced me to say this to you." He took a deep breath. Alex stared at his cute, freckled face. "I-I...I can't do this, sorry never mind. It was nothing," he said sadly, starting to walk away.

"Wait, Laurens, I like you a lot," he called to him. Laurens spun around. Had he just said what he thought he had heard? "You do?" He asked, wide-eyed. He started to walk towards him.

"Yes, yes I do. My precious Laurens, love you," he said, blushing as he kissed him on the cheek. Laurens smiled and leaned on him, Alex's straight almost black hair touching Laurens' light brown curls. "I love you too," he said, kissing him for real.

((Lol this is really short. Did you guys like it? I wasn't sure if the Mullette & Lams thing would work out. I tried it so tell me what you think. Lol 666))

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