Small Hang Out (Part 2)

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So this is the Mullette ending. I'm also adding Kingbury because @Watch_Me_Burrn wanted it.

Lafayette walked up to Herc's door. He took a deep breath & knocked. He was trying not to blush.

Herc opened the door. He smiled. "How do I look?" He asked, only half trying not to seem like a couple. "Tres amazing," Laf said, already blushing.

Herc laughed a little. He started walking towards Laf's car. He opened the door & got in the passenger's seat. Laf got in the front.

Soon they arrived at the party. They were there before John. Burr had already arrived. "Hey Burr," Herc called. Laf waved. "Bonjour mon ami," he called.

Jefferson walked over. "Hello lovelies," he called in a sing-song voice. "Enjoying the party?" He smiled & dramatically flopped on the couch. "Hey Herc, Laf, you should be our first karaoke group!" They looked at each other.

"Yeah I'll put you down for...I got it! The perfect song, Endless Love!" They both blushed. "D'accord," Laf said shyly.

"Heyyyyo party people! The first karaoke group is coming up right nooow," Jefferson exclaimed. "Go up on the kitchen table. That'll be the stage," he whispered to them.

Herc hopped up. He held out a hand for Laf. "We can do this, just relax," he sighed to both of them. The music started. It went pretty slow at first with little emotion.

"Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one."

"Our lives have just begun."

It was picking up pace now.

"Cause you, you mean the world to me. I know I know, I've found my endless love!"

"Oh boom boom, boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom."

They both joined in for the final chorus. They were totally into it & very close to each other.

"And yes, you'll be the only one, cause no one can deny, this love I have inside, and I'll give it all to you, my love my love my love, my endless love!" They sang, getting very close. Laf leaned in & kissed Herc. "I love you," he whispered.

Herc kissed back, wrapping his arms around Laf. "I love you too," he whispered back. Everyone around was going crazy. John had just walked in. He cheered but secretly wished that was him & Alex.

They hopped off the table. "Be my boyfriend?" Herc asked. "Why of course!" Laf exclaimed. Everyone cheered for them.

As the night went on, they practically never let go of each other's hands. Eventually it was time to go home. They hopped in the car together.

"Have a fun night?" Laf asked. "Heck yeah!" Herc replied. "I got to finally date my longtime crush!" Laf blushed. He didn't know Herc felt that way. "Aw I love you," he replied. Then their lips collided again.

(Lol this is really short but I think I'm gonna go back & revise the other part now. I had some good ideas.)

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