Kingbury Everyone Wanted

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This wasn't all written by me. It is an excerpt from an RP With @MagnoliaDonaire24. I played Sam.

George looked up, beaming. "Samlet, I hadn't expected to see you this early. It's only—" he glanced at his watch, "9:30."

He stood up from where he had been sitting on the bed. "Ah, I see you and the girls have been baking again. You really must stop sneaking in there; the chefs are complaining that their supplies are missing...what did you make today?"

"Your favorite. It's a lemon tart!" he squealed. "And I know, but I like surprising you," he sighed sheepishly, shifting his weight and looking down.

George nearly squealed as well. "I can't wait to try it! Why don't you set it down on the dresser?"

He flopped down onto the bed, albeit gently. "I've actually been meaning to ask you a...couple of things."

"First, Samuel, we've been falling asleep together quite a bit—you've been staying in my room more and more often—I was wondering if, perhaps, we ought to move your rooms across the hall and, um, you could sleep with me every night? Oh gosh that sounded wrong, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it that way—"

He put the tart on the dresser, laughing.

He sat next to him. "Ask away." He listened carefully, eyes widening at the proposal. "Yes yes yes!" he exclaimed, hugging the King without even noticing the awkward moment.

George smiled, happy with Sam's response. The smile covered up the bit of awkward discomfort he felt as Sam hugged him; he felt a bit shaky. And that led him to the second question. The second question was a bit more...well, awkward.

"Fantastic! And, well, the other question is..."

He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Sammy, I know you mean the best and I know you love me, but tell me the truth. All of these desserts and treats you make with the girls and bring up to me...are you—are you trying to...well, what I mean to say is, are you trying to make me eat them? No, that didn't sound right either... Look, Sam, I just want a yes or no answer: are you trying to make me...fat again?"

He almost completely regretted it the minute it came out of his mouth. Well, yes, he had gained a bit of...excess...weight back, but...Sam wouldn't do that, would he?

It didn't help that he was already feeling awkward.

Sam was caught totally off guard. "I—um—I'm not—uh..." he stammered.

He hadn't thought about it that much. It was his fault, wasn't it? Did he want this? He liked it, sure, but did he want it?

"Damnit, Sam, just a yes or no answer!" he snapped, nearly at a breaking point.

He immediately deflated. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to be that abrupt..."

'Please, don't let me have another breakdown now...'

George wasn't sure what he wanted either. He knew he wanted Samuel to be happy, but at what cost?
Seabury: Sam wasn't expecting the outburst that came. "I wasn't purposely trying to but I guess I was, huh? I was selfish. I liked it and..."

He realized what he had admitted and hid his face, which was growing red. "I'm sorry."

George was both mad and confused. "You did what?!? Look, everything was fine and well until you just admitted to doing this behind my back."

Realizing how badly Samuel felt, he pulled him close. "Oh, Sammy, I'm happy about our lives, but...I just...I don't know anymore..."
He was turning red himself. "Perhaps...perhaps I misjudged this entire thing..." he muttered, nearly silent. "Look, Sam, I—you didn't mean anything by it, I understand that. It's just—I thought we were trying to solve this. This isn't solving it. And you aren't being selfish, we all do that now and again."

'Especially me,' he thought bitterly.
Seabury: He nodded. It wasn't helping. He felt absolutely terrible. This was his fault.

"I'm sorry. I just thought maybe you wanted a surprise or something to look forward to every once and a while," he sighed.

"Oh, and I do, Sam. I do! It's just... oh, for heaven's sake, I don't know."

He stopped and cleared his throat. 'Sam didn't mind before...then he probably won't mind now, will he? If I'm a bit...soft?'

"You know what, if you're fine with it, I am. You were before, anyways, why didn't I think of that? Oh, nevermind. The point is, just—please don't do anything behind my back like this again or whatever. Okay?"
Seabury: "I won't. I won't," he cried. He really did feel bad.

"But we do have a tart here that needs eating," he said, lighting up.

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