Chapter 12

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Tally Pov

The following week on Friday morning I rode to school with Justin. Dustin said he had work to do this morning and Danielle was running late. As I waited for Justin to finish putting his things in his locker I noticed a bunch of posters hanging. They all talked about an upcoming dance. I tapped Justin and pointed to the poster.

He gave me an annoyed look. "Can't you read? It's talking about the Fall Dance. You know something you won't have to worry about considering you won't have a date. Matter of fact we have a lot of dances almost one for every holiday."

I shrugged off Justin's smart comment and approached the poster. It said tickets were twenty dollars. I really wanted to go but Justin was probably right I wouldn't have a date. Although I'm sure if Danielle didn't find a date she'd accompany me. My thoughts were ruined by Justin tapping my shoulder. "Let's go."

The whole first half of the day I was wanting nothing more than for lunch to come. If I wanted Danielle to go with me I'd have to hurry before she found a date.

When the bell for lunch rang I rushed to the cafeteria. Something I really wasn't suppose to do. I was suppose to wait for Justin, but I hadn't been doing so well with keeping up with that so why start now. When I reached the table Danielle and Dustin were already there.

"Well you're later than usual." Joked Dustin.

As I tried to catch my breath I noticed Danielle had a sly grin on her face. "What?" I signed to her.

"Oh nothing."

I shook my head and began to sign to her. " So I was wondering if you'd like to go to the dance with me? As friends that is."


My smile faded when she answered me and I wouldn't have minded the fact that she said no if it wasn't for her still smiling and Justin approaching.

"WOW even your best friend doesn't want to be seen with you at the dance." He sat down giving me a smug grin while Sammie sat beside him laughing. "I guess you'll be the only one there alone."

I looked at him confused and wrote on my board. "What are you talking about? I don't have to go."

"Oh but you do because I don't get days off from my service and the dance is on Saturday. At seven."

My stomach sank and I layed my head down on the table not talking to anyone.


When the bell rang for school to be over I ran to my locker wanting to go straight home. Of course that was not going to happen. Dustin rushed to my locker panting frantically. "Quick...Tally....there...there's...a my office...I...I"

I quickly followed Dustin to his office and when I stepped in my jaw dropped. A large bouquet of flowers was on his desk. Behind it stood a card that looked as tall as me and it read ' Tally will you go to the dance with me?' I turned around and Dustin was smiling broadly at me. "Well will you?"

I nodded my head and Dustin pulled me into a hug. After I collected the card and flowers I met Justin outside and even he couldn't ruin my mood.

Justin's POV

It was eight thirty and I had never been happier to get home. Dustin had managed to get Tally all worked up and nothing I did could take that smile off her face. It started to make me think if torturing her was worth it. It would probably be more satisfying to out due Dustin in making her happy.

I knew he liked her that was no mystery. I could see his expression now. Tally would be all over me and he'd be left in the dust. It was a quite intriguing thought. I was about to go upstairs when my mom called me.

"Yes?" I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the island.

"Nothing really I just wanted to know how your day was."

"It was fine. The Fall Dance is coming up so I need to go shopping."

"Oh." I watched my mom look away then back at me. "So who are you taking?"

"Sammie of course who else?"

"I don't know it's just I can't stand Sammie. Why can't you have a more respectful or appealing girl?"

"Like who?" Even as I asked the question I had a feeling of who my mom was thinking of.

"Well that Tally girl sure is a nice young lady."

Yup I knew it. "Mom there will probably never be a Tally and I."

"Okay well not her specifically but someone of her nature."

"Her nature?" I asked with a puzzled tone and expression.

"Yes someone who the family wants around. Someone that is relatable and easy going."

"Mom you don't know Sammie enough to know she's not that. Matter of fact you don't even know Tally enough to know she is that."

My mom put her hands up in mock surrender. "Okay you win but even though I don't know them all that well you do. So you can make the right decision."

I knew she was right but I wasn't going to admit it so I stood up and walked to my room. After I took my shower and was about to go to bed my phone rang. The caller ID read Sammie so I answered it.

"Hey baby what's up?"

"Nothing I knew you were being tortured today by that thing so I figured I'd make your night and give you a call."

"Well I'm always happy to hear your voice."

"Good but I was also wondering if we could go shopping tomorrow. I need a dress for the dance."

"Yeah I don't see why not."

"Perfect so how was your night?"

"Good I guess but when I got home I had to listen to my mom complain about you."

"Oh she'll get over it. What was it about this time?"

"The usual except this time she suggested I go with someone like Tally."

"She what?!" I suddenly regretted telling that to Sammie. Especially since Tally would have to come shopping with us. "Well what did you say to her? Did you defend me? Did you tell her what a loser Tally was?"

"Of course I defended you but I didn't bad mouth Tally." Again something I shouldn't have said. It was just leaking out like word vomit.

"Well why not? I'm starting to doubt you Justin."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your relationship with Tally. You say she means nothing to you but you're like a roller coaster. One minute you're completely against her. The next minute you're ready to befriend her or show some sort of sympathy."

"Sammie..." I started but she cut me off to continue.

"All I'm saying is make up your mind you're either with her or against her." Then she hung up and I was left alone in silent confusion.


sorry if there's a lot of grammatical errors I typed it on my kindle but hope you enjoy it anyway.

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