Chapter 11

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Tally's Pov

I walked into the school once again without Justin. He was treating me so much differently then that night I had opened up to him. I was now slowly regretting ever telling about my situation with my father, but what was done was done. I was so done with him and if he was going to treat me like everyone else did then so be it. Although thinking those words made me feel a type. I don't know why I feel like I don't want to let him go but I don't. Although I'm not and I mean not going to try and be friends with someone who was going to be rude, and ignorant towards me.

I followed Dustin into his office and took a seat in the chair facing his desk. He then took a seat in the chair behind his desk. One thing I liked about Dustin was he knew sign language.He may verbally talk to me but I didn't have to write anything down or text him constantly to hold up a conversation. Also he was very attractive and just a nice person.

"So I guess partying on a Thursday is never a great idea." Joked Dustin as he took an aspirin and drank some water.

"We didn't even do anything at the club. And you had one drink." I signed to him while silently laughing.

"Yeah but we still stayed up late and well all nighters aren't my specialty." I shrugged and was about to sign something when the door flew open. It was no other than Justin. I groaned silently while slumping my shoulders. He ruins everything.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the two lovers. I saw you two sneak off last night, but I have no idea what happened after that. Though I might be able to come up with a thing or two." He said with a wide devious smirk.

I made a disgusted face when I caught on to what he thought we might have done.

"Actually Justin I was just helping Tally with her track technique if you must know. Although I'm sure I could be in a innocent relationship with Tally if I wanted, unlike you."

"What do you mean unlike me?"

"I mean you go after well....hoes. Always have and always will. They're the only girls you'll ever be able to get."

I watched Dustin smirk as Justin's face became angry and red. Then Dustin turned to me and and took my hand. My cheeks burned as he kissed it and smiled at me. "Tally you should probably go before he has a BF. I have president stuff to do and plus, I'll see you at lunch."

I smiled and grabbed my backpack. Then reluctantly I followed Justin out of the room and to my locker. "So tonight I have plans and since I must watch over you until eight and my plans start at six it looks like you're joining me."

I took out my phone and sent him a message.

What are the plans?

"I'm having a family party. It's my cousin's party and she likes to have huge family gatherings. Plus she's turning eight-teen so it's big for her."

I nodded and sent him a text.

But we're sixteen wouldn't we be like kids to her?

"You'd think that but like I said she likes family gatherings and I'm seventeen." I ignored him acknowledging his age and continued.

But I'm not family

"I explained my situation to her and she says it's fine for you to come." As he said this i could tell by his expression he wanted everything but for me to be there. But knowing we had no choice I just ignored it, exhaled and shut my locker. Then we headed to Mr. Mitchell's first period class. The day drawled on until lunch came and I finally got to see Dustin.

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