Coffee Break

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Coffee Break
Part 3
I need to know

It's been a week after the friendly date escapade and they talk whenever she went to his cafe. She will always listens to him whenever he talks, he really is an interesting person and she felt at ease with him. Naomie felt that whenever he is around she felt safe and secured. Though the thought made her a little scared thinking if she depends on someone she doesn't know yet what they stand for, though she has the idea already; they are friends, sadly.

She couldn't help the fact that she sometimes dream of him doing naughty things to her and imagine his callous hands roaming around her flush body. Agh! She hated it whenever she watch romantic movie, her thoughts drift to Steven and thinking what he will do when he romance her.

Turning off her television she then  walk towards her room and close the door not bothering to open the lights when she don't needed it. She's done with this session before and she please herself more than than she counts.

Laying her bed she then run her hands on  her thigh and close her eyes. Remembering the part of the movie she's watching as she imagine that her hands is replace with big callous hands on her thigh.

Moaning as she watch those big hands roaming around her body and squeezing those soft breast that she thought so erotically. Sensing his excitement she then kissed him hard and pumping his hard cock that she fantasize.

Groaning she then press her hand on her breast and squeezing them as she remembers his eyes staring at her with so much intense. Imagining him touching her flustered body as she grind her hips to her hands. Fingers rubbing around her clit as she moan remembering the movie she watch a while ago. Steven has long big hands and she is now replacing her hand to his and imagine him sweet talking to her. She want wild and rough but now she wants slow and romantic.

She couldn't take it anymore, she is wet as fuck and she want some actions. Slowly guiding her hand towards her hot and wet center and plunge her two fingers inside her hot pussy as she pump them while moaning. She feels so much wrong but it seems so right to do this. After all she is only a human and she is willing to fall for hell if this feels so much good.

Those words still clings unto her mind as she pump her fingers inside her and imagine Steve licking her clit. Sweating and swearing as she felt that she's almost there, breathing hard as she pump fast and groans as she reach her climax.

Oh how it felt good if her thoughts will  come true, having Steve in her bed and have her wicked way with him. She has a srrong attraction towards him and she hated sometimes for not controlling her libido, she's been good in controlling her emotions however with Steve she can't.

Wiping her wet hands on her dress as she stood up and went to her bathroom as she clean herself. She's been sexually frustated and it's been a long time she haven't sex. Celse her sex buddy just got home from his business abroad and she hated to call him. Naomie stop having sex for almost seven months and she stand up from her promise that she will have sex when she married the man. Celibacy is not an easy feat for her having an active libido.

She couldn't stop herself as she remembers his biceps and some muscles contracts whenever he holds heavy things or the way he holds the door for her to enter, seeing his muscles moves as he let her in. She lust for him, he really is an attractive guy however she likes him for being kind and funny. A contrast to her being boring and serious, he is funny and interesting.

Shaking her head thinking about him tonight started to make a headache, she wanted him needed him even, this lustfull thoughts of him and she badly wants to see him againg. Never in her teenage years she's having this huge attraction towards a guy but Steven is an exception.


Steven place the coffee and the chocolate cake on the table as he sits on the opposite side of Naomie. She's spacing out again, ignoring him as he sits in front of her. She really is beautiful her eyes what makes her more attractive, they are so expressive and her face is so smooth that he craves to touch. They've been having friendly dates a couple of times and he likes her being serious and simple, an opposite to his funny persona.

Her thick eyelashes, her heart shape lips and those attractive eyes intrigue him so much, so much to want to know her. The first time she went inside his cafe, she is in a hurry, with those sloppy hair bun and those lose coat as she paid her order, the way she walk fast and almost bump to their glass door. She smiled sheepishly as she opens the door and apologize.

Naomie is very interesting and he wants to know her more, that's why he keeps on asking her for a friendly date and sometimes join her drinking her coffee.

She talks about her rough days dealing with the patients, tho she never told him all of the cases, its confidential and he likes her for being professional.


"Huh?" She looks at him dumbly which is somehow cute.

"You seem a little bit out of the blue"

"Oh" she sips her coffee "I lose a patient today"


"I try to save him and he keeps on begging me to keep him alive and I did my best, until he let go and stop his breathing"

"It's not your fault" trying to comfort her

"Still, He trusted me"

Placing his hand on hers as if telling her that he is always be there for her, trying to comfort her with his presence. Somehow that made her a little bit okay as she smile at him a little, trying to tell him that she appreciates it.

After they talk about her day she then grab her things and was about to leave when he stop her and place a kiss on her forehead. She sniff as she wrap her arms around him as she silently cried. Ignoring the people looking at them and his staff he just let her cry, it is the only way to comfort her and to make her feel better.

To be continued....

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