Chapter 5 pt 1/ Late night party (smut)

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(Somewhat of Lily's POV)

-Late night party

Something cool suddenly touched your lips, "Open up, baby." You did so reluctantly and something was being slipped between your teeth.

You bit down gently and easily recognized the familiar, bitter taste of a lime. You gasped sharply and bit down harder on it when the tequila was poured into your navel. However, when you felt a bit slip down your side from your sudden inhalation, you made sure to keep yourself still so as to not make a mess.

"Salt's on her neck, bro." You heard someone say, no doubt to the man touching you. "Fucking get it, man!"

You felt the warmth of his body pass over you as a hot mouth was suddenly on your neck, his tongue darting out to lick at the salt he found there. He was thorough in his cleaning, making sure he got every last grain as he sucked one final time on your neck.

He moved hastily then, skirting down you, his hands leading the way, lightly brushing over your breasts. You half expected him to grope you but was surprised when he didn't.

When he felt your bare flesh, his lips ghosted over your skin until he felt the liquid against his lips. Your hand instinctively slid up his back and found his hair, gripping the surprisingly soft locks as he sealed his mouth over your navel and sucked you free of the tequila. However, when the liquid was gone, he still persisted, his tongue curling sensually as it dipped inside your bellybutton, making sure to get every last drop.

He moved back up your body and his hands found your face again and you felt him smile as he pressed his lips to yours. Manipulating the lime in your mouth, you offered it up to him and the man opened his mouth to accept it, the lime slipping from your lips into the other hot cavern. However, he didn't pull away once he received his reward and instead continued to kiss you, his lips pressing insistently against your own.

More wolf whistles and howls of encouragement filled the air as you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to dip back into you. He shared the lime with you, as well as the recognizable taste of tequila on his tongue, the organ rolling against your own, delving deep into your mouth as he slowly fucked you with it.

Both of you were panting heavily as he pulled away, the lime once more back in his mouth and a triumphant cheer came from his peers when he rose.

"IT'S HER TURN!" A roar of agreement exploded from the rest of the party and you were suddenly removed from the table by a number of hands and maneuvered away.

There was the sound of movement around you as well as the heat from a number of bodies, the hands that had guided you still holding fast to your shoulders and waist.

With only a brief pause, another warm body was pressing against your back, "He's ready for you, sweetheart. The salt... Well, the salt's below his navel." You weren't sure what that entailed but you suddenly had a very bad feeling about this.

Those holding you gently guided you forward and placed your searching hands on what felt like a chest, the firm pecks rising and falling rapidly beneath your touch.

You could smell the tequila as you passed over it, your fingers skimming the hard planes of his stomach, flushing when you realized how toned he was. God, he felt gorgeous. Built like a fucking brick-shit house.

Your fingers then kept brushing lower and lower...

Oh, God. Please don't let it be on his cock.

Your fingers just stopped at the waist line of his jeans and were relieved to feel the graininess of the salt.

Taking a steadying breath, you lowered your mouth and lapped at the salt, a low moan resonating from the man beneath you. You felt his hips jerk momentarily and his hand found its way into your hair, suddenly pushing you lower. And you definitely knew what was lower; what he wanted.

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