Short Exchanges

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 Chapter Twelve. 

"Ah! You cheated! Damn it!" Dalton flopped back on the tan couch. The white controller slipping from his hands and landing on the pillow beside him. 

"How?" Greyson asked, perfect eyebrows quirking up. "Sore loser," He muttered with a smirk. 

Dalton glanced over at his friend. Greyson was a lady's man, for sure. Dark hair that was swept to the sides; icy blue eyes that caught everyone's attention.  The lad was taller than him and had broad shoulders,  his voice smoky. 

"I don't know how, but you did. No one is better than me at this game." Dalton ran his fingers through his pale colored hair. 

"Well, it seems you met your match then." Greyson laughed and stood up. "Come on, man. We've been here all day, let's go out for a bit? Show me the town you call home."

"It's not home, it's just a rest stop." 

Greyson shrugged, "Whatever. Just take me out." 

Dalton stood up and grabbed his leather jacket that hung over the couch. He brushed down his black tank top and pulled the jacket on. His swiped his keys off the side table, "C'mon. I'll take you to the one coffee place I know." 



"Thalia's place? Sounds like Percy Jackson or something." Greyson chuckled as he stepped out of the car. 

Dalton nodded, his eyes scanning the parking lot. 'What good is that if you don't know what car she drives?' He shut his car door, checking his hair before he heard laughter. "Huh?" 

"Are you expecting someone else?" 

"Uh, no. Not really, Grey." Dalton straightened up. "Well, there's a girl I know who works here. I don't know her schedule or anything..." He trailed off. "That's unimportant though. Let's go in."

Greyson didn't reply, he just followed behind Dalton. As soon as he opened the door, a warm smell of coffee hit him. He took a deep breath, sea blue eyes scanning the room to no avail. His searches came up empty. The blonde reached into his pocket and looked at his phone, the text he sent this morning to Kiera remained unanswered. 

"Good afternoon!" A sprightly voice spoke up. 

Dalton raised his head to see a red headed girl with soft green eyes. Freckles dotted her cheeks like stars. "Afternoon." 

"What can I get you?" 

Dalton rambled off the first thing he saw before side stepping so Greyson could order. He swiped his card and gave his name before taking a seat; his back facing the door. 

"So, is she here?" 

"Did you just assume the gender of my friend?"

"Well, you were worried about your appearance. So I assumed  they were female. You hardly put on any clothes on for me. I doubt you'd treat any guy differently." Grey teased. 

"Touche." Dalton leaned back in his chair. 

"Do they have a name?" Grey questioned, propping his elbows up on the table. 


"Alright chatty Kathy, take it down a notch." 

Dalton rolled his eyes, "Alright then. What do you want to know?"

"Well, when did you meet her?  Is she cute? Single?" He quirked his eyebrows up suggestively. 

He cracked a smile, "I met her maybe a month or so ago? I don't know." Dalton paused, "Yeah, I guess she's cute." He rubbed the back of his neck, raising his shoulders. 

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