Final Farewell

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A/N: I don't own PJO but Serena and some other characters are mine :)

Introducing Me

"To evil aunt I give my love and a special present in hope that she will enjoy being stone,

To my step father I send Greek fire in knowing it is his favourite, I also warn him to watch his fingers in case they get burnt off...

And To all my boys I send them the cat that attacked me in hope that they don't kill mine..(be careful, it likes riddles)"

I found this note attached to her bed..Weird. Why would she give her mother Medusa? Seriously people!!

A hilarious new adventure for a very weird girl.

Being the daughter of a god is not as fun as it sounds. Firstly, you get chased after loads of monsters. When you slay them the come back to life again! It's like making something, standing back to admire you're handiwork the realizing that you forgot to nail it fall apart.See what I mean?

Also, when you know nothing about your mother or father and you wind up on the shore of a 'camp half blood' not knowing how on Earth you got there, it can be pretty weird. If you also manage to get at least 1 enemy and end up electrocuting someone the good job! You are officially in my world...

Hi! I'm Serena. Declared by many, I am weird. Being a daughter of Poseidon, life is tough. Being the first girl in about 1 or 2 centuries just sucks. You don't get any special treatment. You get the worst bed since all the boys take the good ones and you feel like your going to drop dead any minute. I'm not sure about the last part. Chiron was pretty agitated when I put the Hermes's kids cabin on fire but that still doesn't answer why he call me 'vulnerable' and 'different'! I mean, I'm a daughter of Poseidon. Probably the first since the Nereids and Rhode. That does NOT mean I'm weak and need defending form everyone!! Does it? Guess I'll just have to wait and find out...

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