Michael's phone call

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Iris POV

"Jake honestly their was a time I liked you but now I don't I found the love of my live he's always their for me expect now he had to leave for a while to do some stuff and that guy is Michael so stop bothering me and FUCK OFF" "you will regret saying no to me when he breaks up with you" said jake what an idiot like if I will go back with him after everything that happened. when I got home I was so mad because it was the worst day "what happened?" said Jen "it was the worst day ever I hate that school I don't want to go back their" "what if I told you Michael called today" said Jen "really???" "yeah go call him" said Jen I called him when he picked up the phone ahh I was so happy his voice made my day

Michael's POV

I was glad Iris called back is only been one day I still won't see her in like 4 months "so how was school today?" "don't even ask me it was horrible I hate it everything is back to the shit it was since you left you know you will usually defend me and I sit alone now you know cuz me and Lindsay are no longer friends" said Iris "oh I'm sorry to hear that babe I understand I wish I was their with you to comfort you you know I love you what else happened she didn't answer for like a minute "hello Iris are you their?" "Yeah and well Jake asked me out again?" said Iris "you didn't say yes right?" "of course not i told him I loved you so to Fuck Off " said Iris "that's my baby girl I love you and I have to go ill try to call you tomorrow bye love" "umm yeah sure bye Mikey love you" said Iris

Iris POV

After Michael hung up I started to cry I remembered a lot of things that had happen to me in that school yeah I became Friends with Michael when he told me he moved of school cuz they bullied him they do that to me too but they stopped when they knew Michael will be their for me but yeah it started again cuz Michael left I just didn't told him anything because I didn't want him to worry or tell Harry that's the only reason I wish Michael was here otherwise I will let him go on Tour without having to worry about anything

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