Ten: The Nut Sculpture

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A/N: I've just started re-reading The Gone Series. Honestly, it's the greatest series ever, and if you haven't read it yet, DO! It's sooooo good.

P.S. I don't know what this song is, I just found it XD

Believe James Dashner. The words echoed around Trace's mind like the words on page 250. For hours following the Benishment, it was all she could focus on.

The others tried to ignore it. They just assumed it was another one of the many nonsensical things that Ben had yelled leading up to the event.

Trace knew it wasn't. She knew Ben was on to her. She'd never been surer of anything.

Except maybe Newt's godlike qualities. She was pretty darn sure of those.

"Hey, Trace."


She jumped about a foot in the air at the sound of Newt's voice. She'd been sitting outside the Homestead for about an hour now, unable to even consider sleep at this point; she had too much on her mind. It had been so quiet for so long now that she'd just assumed everyone else had fallen asleep. They'd all headed inside to the Homestead straight after the Banishment.

Newt struggled not to laugh out loud at her reaction, and had to clamp a hand over his mouth so as not to wake the others. He sat down beside her, facing the middle of the Glade.

"Bloody hell, Newt. You did me the real big frighten."

"What?" Newt queried, a smile playing on his lips.

Trace rolled her eyes, "The real big frighten. You scared me."

"No, I mean, you just said 'bloody hell'. That's kind of my thing."

Trace pursed her lips as she tried to think of a response, entirely aware of Newt's trademark penetrating gaze on her the whole time. 

"Well, your thing is contagious. I've been using it since I got here."

"Well, stop it," he argued. "It's my thing."

"Then I'll find a new thing and convince everyone to love me with my overwhelming charm and allure."

"I doubt that."

Trace was visibly gobsmacked.

"What? Why not? Ben said I was hot!"

Now it was Newt's turn to roll his eyes, "Ben's dead. And he didn't say you were hot. He just implied it."

"How do you know? You weren't even there! It was just me, Chuck, Ben and Minho!"

"I know because Chuck told me. He said you called me a marble sculpture, asked if Chuck had ever seen me, and Ben walked past, asking if you'd ever seen yourself. Pretty daft question, actually, considering there's not one mirror here in the Glade."

Trace's cheeks were burning hotter than Minho in the Scorch right now.

"Chuck told you that?" she gulped.

"Mhm. Every last detail," he replied, staring off into space as if deeply scarred by the encounter.

Trace groaned, dropping her head into her hands.

"I'm so sorry, Newt. You must hate me for acting like such a freak. I would hate me for acting like such a freak. It's just so hard not to be a freak sometimes, you know. I just start talking and words come out and I don't often think about what I'm saying and it all just ends up sounding so-"

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