Seventeen: Wake Me Up, Attractive Chico

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Minho shook her awake that afternoon. She swatted him away, telling him to 'go find something to do'.

"I'm looking at her."

That woke her up. Entirely.

"I'm kidding, Trace. It's a joke. Get up."

"I didn't know you were capable of innuendos!" she said, appalled, but making no move at all to even sit up.

"Neither did I. Get up."

"But you just made an innuendo."

"I sure did. Now get up."

Trace scratched her head. "I thought you were an innocent young boy, devoid of all sexual knowledge and terms," she said, crossing her arms and staring up at him from where she lay.

"You thought wrong. If I have to tell you one more time to get up, I'm sending you back out to the Grievers."

"Good. I'll just switch them all off, find the exit, and leave you all behind. It'd serve you right for waking me up."

"You've been asleep for five hours," Newt said, walking into the room, stating the fact as if that was a long time to sleep for.

"Oh, sorry!" she replied, placing her hand on her chest in mock surprise. "I should've been up three hours ago to fight some more Grievers. Like we did last night. All night. Without any sleep. At all."

Newt smiled sympathetically. "You're not fighting Grievers today. You're fighting Gally."

"I don't really think I'm up to that."

"Well, not just Gally, specifically. The council," Minho continued.

"The council?"

Newt nodded. "The council. They want to have a little talk about you and Thomas running off into the maze like that."

"Oh, I didn't run. I walked. Safety first, you know." Trace winked for effect.

"Of course. Safety first. How's your hip?" Newt asked, watching as Trace decided to- slowly- sit up in bed.

"It's okay," she said. "It was better five minutes ago when I was asleep."

"You'll get your sleep," Minho rolled his eyes. "Gathering comes first."

"Can I sleep during the Gathering?" she asked, pushing her luck as she lowered her legs to dangle over the edge of the bed.

"Only if you want another night in the bloody maze."

Only then did the thought occur to Trace:

"Hey, Newt? You're the boss now right? With Alby getting changed and stuff?"

"He's not 'getting changed'; he's going through The Changing. It's not a new outfit."

Trace smirked; she loved winding Newt up. Minho was sniggering quietly behind Newt's back.

"But, yes," Newt sighed. "I'm in charge. For now. Until Alby gets better."

"So you can tell people what to do, right?"

"With reason. Yes..." Newt's expression was one of caution.

"Could you tell Gally to get lost? Literally? In the maze?"

Newt stifled a smile. "As much as I'd love to do that, he probably wouldn't take too well to it."

"No, she's right," Minho agreed. "You should do it."

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