Thirty-Six: Tree Diary

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Another day passed before Thomas woke up, and with it came another night. Another Griever attack. Another victim.


Trace didn't know him- she didn't believe she'd ever been introduced to him- but Newt said he was the Greenie before Chuck. He'd been in the Glade for roughly two months when he died.

But Trace had other things to worry about.

She hadn't explained to Newt what she'd seen, and he didn't press it, knowing The Changing could be a traumatic time for some. She appreciated him for backing off.

She also appreciated him for the constant company she'd had from him up until the moment Thomas woke up.

At that point, everything kicked back into gear.

Thomas had called for a Gathering, and Trace had been very excited to see it transpire, and watch Thomas tell everyone what he'd done and how to escape.

She had been excited, until Alby told her she wasn't invited.

"What do you mean I'm 'not invited?" she yelled up at him. "I get invited to everything; I'm the girl!"

"No, Trace. You're not a Keeper, and you're not the only girl anymore either."

"If you're referring to Teresa, then she doesn't count as a girl; she's not human."

Alby rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't know what your problem is with that girl but- unrelated to that- you're not coming to this Gathering, you're not a Keeper, and you're not arguing back. Got it?"

"But, Aunty Alby-"

"No 'buts'!"

"Not even one little tiny butt?"

Alby frowned at her in disbelief. "What?"

"Never mind," she sighed. "Enjoy your party."

"Gathering," he corrected her.

"It would be a party if I were there."

"It definitely wouldn't. Go find something to do."

"Yes, ma'am."

Before Alby could retort, Trace turned and stomped off, searching for something to occupy her while all the cool stuff happened in the Homestead. Her gaze landed on Teresa.

Or should she call her Nightmaresa?

She probably shouldn't; it wasn't the best pun she could come up with. And Teresa wasn't worth wasting a nickname on. Unless everyone was planning on sticking with The Betrayer, because Trace loved that one. A lot. Very suited to her, that one.

But she didn't want to deal with that traitorous shuck-faced slinthead pile of klunk today, so Trace decided to climb the lookout instead, considering she'd managed to ignore it for the entirety of her time here.

She climbed to the top and sat on the edge, her legs dangling below her. She saw Chuck in the distance, talking to Jeff, and the sight filled her with despair; both those kids would be dead soon if she didn't do something.

She hated this responsibility.

"Oh, hey there."

"AH!" Trace yelled, jumping about a foot in the air and almost falling off the tower. She turned around to see who had spoken and was greeted with the too-smiley face of an extra. She frowned. "Who are you?"

The boy just smiled more. "I'm James."

"That's lovely. Why are you here?" She blinked, already annoyed by this shank.

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