Thirty-Eight: Pterodactyls in My Tummy

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A/N: Thanks for 3K reads! You're all so wonderful <3 Here's a slightly longer, drama-filled chapter for you!

2023 edit: ^ awwww cute!!! 3k!!!!

The group met by the West Doors within a few minutes and Trace burped in fear, receiving a very judgemental look from Alby and a subtle high-five from Minho.

"You shanks ready?" Minho asked, directing his question at Thomas, Teresa, and Trace. "Thomas, this was your idea, so if it fails I'm killing you before the Grievers can."

"Thanks," Thomas replied, and Trace felt a little sorry for him; there was a lot riding on this guy's shoulders.

But, thankfully, she knew it would work...for the most part.

She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, and turned enough to see Newt behind her, rubbing her shoulder blades with his thumbs. She could tell he was mostly just trying to rid himself of his own nerves. Trace smiled at him in an attempt to reassure him, but his gaze was locked on the maze entrance ahead of them.

Trace felt sick thinking of the last time Newt had entered the maze. Physically sick. As in, she actually gagged a little at the thought.

"You okay?" Newt asked her, at the exact same time Thomas asked Teresa.

"I'm fine," Teresa replied to Thomas. "Just anxious to get this over with."

"Amen, sister," Minho agreed.

"She's not your sister," Trace argued.

"And you're not my mother, so stop implying what I can or cannot do."

Trace feigned a look of mock realisation. "But what if I am your mother?" she asked.

Minho snorted. "Yeah, I totally see the resemblance. Thanks for giving birth to me before you were even born, too."

"No problemo, Mint-Fro. That's what friends are for."

They went silent for a bit and Trace's nerves began to really set in.

"I've got butterflies doing a gymnastics routine in my stomach right now," she said.

"Butterflies?" Minho scoffed. "I've got pterodactyls in mine."

"Yeah? Well, I didn't say how big the butterflies were, Mint-Fro; they're actually the size of football fields so I think you'll find that I win the nervous competition."

"As long as I win the prize for best-looking, I think I'm okay with that."

Trace squinted at him, considering his appearance. "I think we'll decide that on the other side of this run," she said.

"I think that's everyone," Newt muttered, squeezing Trace's shoulders once more and heading to the front of the group, right by the opening.

"There's forty-one of us," he began, making eye-contact with everyone individually. Make sure you have your weapons with you, but other than that, not much buggin' else to say. Get to the Griever hole-"

"Shuck Griever Hole," Trace muttered.

"Shuck Griever Hole," Newt corrected himself, winking at Trace. "Get to the shuck Griever Hole, and Tommy here's gonna punch in the code. Then we get out of this bloody hole. Get our payback."

"Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asked. Trace had to contain her grin before she gave herself away.

"Go ahead," Newt replied.

Minho nodded. "Be careful," he said. "Don't die."

Trace burst into a very enthusiastic round of applause, but everyone else remained stoic.

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