Chapter 4

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Tyler showed us our bedrooms. I walked into mine and it had a beautiful queen sized bed with velvet covers. Big puffy rose colored pillows at the head board. Across the room is a tall and very wide book shelf and no shelf stands empty. All the books were fantasy and old westerns except one shelf full of law books, encyclopedias and dictionary's. I had a large bathroom. A jacuzzi tub and marble counter tops around the sink. And of course the toilet which matched everything in the white and marble bathroom.

"All settled in?" I turned around to see Tyler leaning on the door frame of the bathroom. "Yes. Thank you so much for this. Although, the room is a bit much." I chuckled. "Well, it did belong to my sister, and she loved to read. He favorite color was velvet and she loved the marble bathroom. She was quite the spender." Tyler smiled at the memory of his sister. "Well, where is she now?" I couldn't help my curiosity. "She passed along with my mother. They were both nurses in the war Desert Storm and when I returned home, they were no longer here. I had a letter delivered the next day and it said they had been killed in a little village off of Jahra. All the bombings seemed to get worse. More oil fields being bombed and they were just too close."

His eyes seemed to darken. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I apologized. He looked up at me and put a smile back on. "Dinner will be ready in an hour." Then he turned and left. I need to be more careful of what I bring up. I just need to stop asking questions.

"Hey girl! You like your room!" That familiar voice had me smiling. "Of course! I love the bed!" I told Sam. She giggled. "You gotta see mine! Come on!" She pulled me down the hallway towards her room. As we walked in her eyes rested on her bed which was a sea blue and green comforter and large queen size like mine. A desk sat by the window and there at the base of the window was a little nook. Where someone may have written or read there at one point. She had the same type of bathroom I did although no books lined the wall. If I were to guess this probably was Tyler's mothers room.

And on the bed were many rose petals with Jonus laying in the middle of them. Sams squeal broke me out of my thoughts. "Isn't he sweet? I found him like this when I walked in!" I laughed at her excitement. "Well don't keep him waiting." I joked. She jumped on the bed and kissed him. I walked out of the room to give them some privacy and shut the door behind me. After I shut the door I smelled something wafting from the kitchen downstairs. It smelled so delicious, like bacon frying in a pan and some sweet cinnamon smell. I drifted downstairs toward the smell. In the kitchen there was a little old lady with an apron on taking out a pan of muffins. Without even turning around the lady spoke to me, "You smelled the muffins did you?" I chuckled to myself.

"I take that as a yes." The little old woman said. As she turned to face me I noticed dark glasses on the bridge of her nose. "You're blind, uhh, ma'am?" I asked quietly. "Quite. And its Rebecca." She replied smiling. "Sorry, Rebecca. Although, how can you cook and bake then?" I asked skeptically. "I've had years to practice darling, now go wash up. We are having a breakfast like dinner tonight. Mr. Roy loves them." I started to go back the way I came but I turned around quickly, "Sorry, Miss Rebecca, my name is Katherine." Rebecca smiled, her forehead creasing. She nodded once and I went up to my bedroom.

I washed up for dinner and then went down the hall to Sams room. I knocked softly. "Sam, wash up for dinner and be down in five." I giggled as I heard Sam cursing. I knew they'd probably just started to get undressed and get together. I ran down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Rebecca stood at the fridge, rummaging inside. "Darling, why aren't you at the table?" Rebecca asked sweetly. "I thought I could help you out and help set the table." Rebecca looked at me, or at least turned her head in my direction. "Oh honey, its what I'm paid to do. I set the table, clear the table, cook the food and keep the house clean. Whats a maid for, darling?"

"Okay. I'm sorry, but if you need help just hollar." Rebecca smiled and got back to work. I walked into the dining room and sat down on the end. The table was already set with plates, silverware and glasses of water. Soon Sam and Jonus sat down on the right of me. They almost looked ashamed I had caught them. I just smiled. "Mmm. It sure smells good in here Miss Rebecca." Tyler had said while walking into the dining room. "Thank you Mr. Roy." Rebecca hollored back. Tyler sat down on the other end of the table and smiled at all of us. "How do you like your room Samantha?" Tyler asked.

"Its a quaint little thing." She smiled back. "Quaint? I like to think its a bit bigger than that." Jonus interjected. "Well you know what I mean, its beautiful." Tyler smiled. "It used to be my mothers before she passed." I knew it had to have been his mothers. Sam went pale. Tyler saw her face and chuckled. "Don't worry she didn't die in there if thats what your worried about." Relief spread across her face. Before anything else was said the butler walked in quietly, though I don't know his name, was also as old as Rebecca, or so looked it. He took his seat on the right of Tyler.

Then Rebecca walked in with a pan of food. On it were 6 omlettes stuffed with bacon, ham, and cheese. And in her other hand was the pan of muffins. She put one omlette on each plate and a muffin as well. Then she took her place on the left of me, beside the butler. We all ate in silence until the meal was finished. Its seemed to be a custom they had, and so we followed. I helped Rebecca clear the dishes after. It was something I've always done. She shook her finger at me but she let me proceed. Sam and Jonus went upstairs, most likely to finish what I ended. The butler left and went outside, to do who knows what and Tyler must have gone to his elaborate study. As soon as the table was cleared, Rebecca told me to go to my room and get ready for bed. She said that I would need my sleep after our great ordeal. Tyler must've told her what happened.

I trudged upstairs and went into my bathroom. I took a long hot shower that was needed, desperately. I wrapped the towel around my mid-section and went to my dresser drawers after combing my hair. I picked out a comfy sweater with sweatpants and grabbed a book off the shelf. One book cover did stand out. One I've never heard of before. "The mortal instruments. Its a good book." I looked over to my door and leaning against the frame once again was Tyler. "I've never been a reader but it looks cool." I replied. Tyler smiled and walked over to my bed I was sitting on. He sat down beside me. "You'll both be safe here. I promise." I smiled at him. "Thanks. I appreciate it." We both stared at each other for a few seconds until he got up. "Well, I'd better let you read your book. Its a good one." He chuckled and left, shutting the door behind him. I looked down at the book and yawned. there was no way I could start this tonight. Maybe tomorrow, seeing how Im kinda on house arrest. I put the book on my nightstand and got under the comforters. I felt secure and safe, knowing that Tyler would protect me. I shut off the lamp and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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