Chapter 3

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I ran down the halls of the hospital, frantic and in a rage. If Jason was just here then surely he's somewhere close, where no one would be able to see him. I push open the hospital doors to the world outside. I squint in the light. Over to my left is the road and to my right is a car lot across the hospitals parking lot. I see someone walking over to the car lot. Tall man with dark brown hair. It's gotta be Jason.

I run towards him and tackle him to the ground. I flip him over and its, the police officer? "I know you. Your Kathrine Teller right? The kidnapped victim?" I nodded and got off the detective. "Yeah, sorry, I thought you were someone else, Mr. ?" I asked. "Sorry, I'm Tyler Roy. Detective Roy." "It's good into you again." I said. He smiled and looked at my hospital gown.

"Well, not sure if you wanna go around looking like that right now." He said gesturing to my clothes. I looked down and pulled the gown around my backside, knowing my butt was out in the open. I blushed and nodded, turning around heading back to the hospital. "Nice seeing you!" Tyler hollered. I blushed and kept walking.

Once inside the hospital I went back to my room and found Jonas sitting on the chair by my bed. "Shouldn't you be with Sam right now?" I asked. He jumped up as if I'd startled him from his thoughts. "Well she's unconscious but stable and I can't even look at her right now. It's all my fault, if I'd just gone with her..." He trailed off, looking at his feet. "Jonas, your brother would have found another way to kidnap us if he wanted to." Then I started to think. "Jonas?" He looked at me.

"Sam shot your brother right, and then he ran away?" Jonas shook his head. "No the shot that Sam took was at the other guy. Right in the head, she killed him. You must have knocked my brother out, unconscious." I nodded, thinking intently. So Liam was apart of it too and the burly men were like their body guards slash evil henchmen. But Liam and Jason were the boss Chet and Kody reffered to as.  "Hello?" Jonas snapped me out of my thoughts. "hmm?" I asked. 

"She's finally awake, that's what the nurse just said." He smiled. I asked Jonas to give me a minute to get into my old clothes before leaving my room and he went to see Sam first. I changed and thought long and hard about how our lives are gonna change. Is detective Roy gonna find Jason? Or is he gonna find Sam and I... and finish the job? I let my mind wander a few minutes before leaving the room. 

As I approached Sams door, I saw Jonus talking with her and her crying...they needed a moment alone together. After all, she had been on a date with his brother, gotten kidnapped, and shot a guy the first time in her life. Rough night. I left the hospital and walked into the sun lit parking lot. I sat on the bench and thought about the reason behind the kidnapping. We have no money, so ransom is out, and Jason has never showed any interest in either one of us, so why? "Well, its nice to see you out of your gown, even though you still looked nice." Detective Roy startled my thoughts. "Oh hello, its nice to see you again as well detective Roy." I chuckled at my formality. "Please, call me Tyler." I smiled. "Okay, Tyler, what brings you back here so soon?" 

"Well your friend, Samantha Burrows is awake and I need her statement, so since I've already been down here and got to know the case, they sent me back to talk with her and get it." He replied smoothly. "Oh okay, is that all?" 

"Yes I believe so." And at that he walked inside, while I still held my pathetic grin. He was quite dashing. Oh shut up you stupid voice. You know nothing. After all you liked Liam and he turned out to be gay and a kidnapper. Nice! Ugh. I'm talking to myself... again. I'm stupid. And still sitting here. I got up and walked back to the hospital. I walked into Sam's room and Jonus was gone.

"Hey how you feeling girl?" She smiled at me. "Great! Jonus is really protective of me now. And I mean very." I scoffed. "Then where is your knight in shining armor?" I giggled. "I asked him to leave so we could talk." A voice said. I didn't realize detective Roy was standing in the corner. "Oh sorry. I'll leave you to be." Sam nodded at me.

I gave her a reassuring smile. As soon as I left the room my phone went off. I hadn't realized that it was in my pocket until now. I looked at it and it said unknown number. Hmm maybe telemarketer. I ignored it but it kept ringing so I picked it up. "Hey sorry I don't want any..." His voice stopped my stupid rambling. "Ahh good to hear your voice. I see your healing well. Then again you never really got hurt humph. Too bad."

Detective Roy came out of Sam's room and saw my face. He mouthed to me, "Everything okay?" I shook my head no. He quickly got on his phone. "Oh no you have the hots for the detective? This ain't gonna be good." I looked around thinking Jason was watching me. "Where are you?" I asked skeptically. "Ooh nice try darling. But we will see each other soon...and I mean soon."

The line ended. Detective Roy came over and embraced me while I sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry we couldn't trace it. It was too short of a call. Plus he seemed to be using many cell towers. But I will help protect you and your friend. It's going to be okay." He soothed me and walked me to Sam's room. Once I got to her room I had stopped crying by then and detective Roy's arm was around my mid section. I looked up to see Sam's smirking face. "I'll be back. I've gotta go talk to my boss about the call."

Detective Roy, sorry, Tyler, went to call his boss and Sam crossed her arms. "So...a detective now huh?" I laughed. "Yeah okay...we all know that me and law enforcement don't go well together. Liam was a gay homicidal and I ain't going back down that road again." Sam gave me that knowing smile that said she knew I was lying and was really into him. Sam went to say something smart, I'm sure, but Jonus walked in. "Hey beautiful. You okay?" Sam smiled and nodded.

She loved having someone take care of her. Jonus went and hugged her but she flinched a bit and he seemed to notice because he backed off and sat in the chair across from her. He just sat there and held her hand. She must still see Jason when looking at Jonus. Who wouldn't? They're identical. And that's scary as hell. I left the two lovebirds alone. I wasn't sure of what to do because I've already been officially cleared. Then a noise. Coming from down under. I was starving. I couldn't remember the last I'd eaten. Maybe lunch a few days ago?

So I headed for the cafeteria in the hospital. Since I was just cleared they allowed me to get the food free. Generous women in there. I sat down at the table to eat my burger and jello and soon someone sat in front of me at the table. "Following me now detective?" Tyler gave me a smirk. "Quite." He smiled. I continued to eat in silence until he broke it. "Ms Burrows should be cleared in a few hours but we aren't sure if you should go back to your apartments. We are thinking of witness protection. But with me." I gaped at him for a minute. "No. It's fine. I can take care of myself and Sam for that matter. I can get a gun." Tyler shook his head. "Maybe. Although what if he comes back but with more men? You both could be seriously hurt. So it's settled you two can have my two guest bedrooms at my house." He got up from the table without saying another word and I sat there, my mouth still a gaping hole.

Later after sam was cleared we got into Tyler's car and Jonus told sam he'd visit every day. Tyler wouldn't allow him to come on his own. In case his brother decides to tail him. So everyday until Jonus can get packed and out of his apartment he will have an officer bring him to check in on sam. Then he will be moving into Sam's bedroom at Tyler's. He really does love her. He wants to be the one to protect her but Tyler won't let either of us leave without an officer with us or Tyler with us.

Once we get to Tyler's I see it. A large victorian like house towers above us. White all around and I take in the beautiful lawn as we approach the front gate. He types in a code and puts his palm on a pad and then nods to his security guard. We are then let inside. "You couldn't possible have gotten this on FBI salary." I was shocked. He chuckled and looked back. "No. I was in the army. Marine Corp to be exact. Then I was let go, honorable discharge." I was taken aback. Wow. A marine, and now detective? Wow, was all I could muster. I must've said it aloud because sam and Tyler laughed.

We all got out of the car and he led us inside the house. The atrium was so magnificent and large it took my breath away. A large glass chandelier hung above us and straight ahead was a large table where we were to set our luggage and he had a butler that would take care of it. He wanted to give us the rest of the tour. Although I wasn't sure if I was able to walk any farther. Afraid I would awaken from such a glorious and magnificent dream. Sam took my arm and we followed Tyler through the rest of the house.

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