Chapter 1

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I remember. I was in a dark room. I was scanning the walls for an exit. No way out. I wanted to scream for help but my voice was sore from yelling before. Now I'm in the darkness again. Same cool tile floors, Same dampness in the air. And the same dark pressence in the room.

5 hours Earlier

"Kat! Lets go! Don't wanna miss the dinner party, do ya?" My best friend Sam asked. "Coming Sam!" I yelled from the car. Geesh. She can be so annoying sometimes but we are best friends and when your best friends with me...well what can you expect? She's funny, adorable, and gets all the hotties. I mean Jonus is her boyfriend and what do I got? No one, so that's why we are here. She's gonna see Jonus and I'm gonna meet somebody. Trying to get me hooked up again.


"Hey, what's your name?" A hot, nicely dressed and attractivley muscular man asked me. And what did I say..."Uhh...Umm....Kat?" It came out more like a question then a statement. "Well, hello Uhh...Umm....Kat. I'm Liam. And did you know that this is a fire fighter calender dinner party?" He asks me in a childish tone. I just nod my head, turn around and walk towards Sam, who is making out with Jonus. "SAM!!!" I yell. She rips away from Jonas's surprisingly kissable lips. (A view only of course, never really kissed them before) But you want to, don't you? My concsience asks. "Don't scare me like that, Kat, and BTW Jonas was just gonna ask me if we wanted to go somewhere private." I stare at my best friend for a confused moment. "Umm, how do you know if he was gonna ask you?"

"Cause...he started to get a little..." I cut her off knowing she was gonna make me throw up. "Please... don't finish that. I really don't need any details about you two. But guess what!? I think I have a date with mr. firefighter over there. HIS NAME'S LIAM!!!"

Jonas and Sam stare at me for a little while then bust out laughing. "What is so funny!?" I yell and question at the same time. Sam came up to me and whispered to me. "WHAT!?" I yell. I turn towards Liam and sure enough he was kissing Mr. January. I felt sick to my stomach, I ran towards the ladies room and hurled. Sam came in the bathroom and started rubbing my back. "It's okay...just breathe..."

"Sam, that isn't...helping." I replied groggly.

"You want me to bring you home?" She asked concerned. I nodded my head yes and we took to the back door. Jonas came running out the back door, obviously drunk. "Hey baby, you look....a...m...a...z...i...n...g..." He dragged out.

"Maybe I should take you home as well." Sam said. Jonas nodded is head and licked the side of Sams face. "Eww...JONAS!!! Get in the damn car!!!" She yelled. He threw his hands up in the air and got in the car while slamming the car door after. I got in the car next and Jonas was already passed out on the floor in the back. "Thanks for this Sam, your a good friend." She didn't answer and she started the car and she drove me home. We were all silent as Jonas started to drift off to sleep and leaned against me. He started drooling once we got to my house. "Jonas! Get off her!" Sam yelled.

Jonas slowly but surely got off of me. I went inside and took a long hot shower. Once I got out I turned on my lamp on my bedside table and there was a letter there. It had my name on it ~Kathrine~

Inside it said,

My Dearest Kathrine, you are so adorable when you get mad, and in the shower. The curves of your body...hmm. Any way before I get too carried away...Look behind you.

As I turned around, thinking it was a joke, A big burly man came and grabbed me around the waist and put a cloth of chemicals on my face, covering my mouth and nose. Just before I left my state of mind, I could have sworn he said 'sorry'.


As I awaken, I can barley open my eyes. I feel cold and wet. My body aches form the pain I have endured. Suddenly, I hear chains rattling beside me. I squint my eyes to my left and see a girl hanging from the ceiling by chains. She keeps struggling but nothing works. She tries to scream but can't. I try and talk but I think I have a gag in my mouth. Then realization hits me. I'm tied up as well. I'm chained up too. My wrists hurt so badly from the pain. Then I feel something warm start slowly gliding down my arm and onto my back. I'm bleeding from the wrists. I start squirming as well with the girl next to me. I'm finally able to open my eyes when the girl suddenly stops squirming. She turns towards me and...It's Sam. She has nothing on but her undergarments and I look at myself and I'm the same way. We then both hear footsteps above us. We must be in a basement. It sounds like a stampede up there. Until a door opens and two big burley men come in. "Ha! I call this one, Chet." One of them said.

"I don't think boss cares which one we get as long as we break them, Kody."

The one named Kody grabs Sam and takes her chains off. The next man named Chet grabs me and both Sam and I squirm as much as we can until Kody knocks Sam out, I stop squirming. Chet takes the chains off me and we go up the stairs. Soon we come to this beautiful, yet subtle looking room, while Kody takes Sam somewhere else. Chet dips me down on the bed and he goes to lock the door. Nows my chance. I run to the other side of the room and grab the nearest candle holder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Boss wouldn't be happy if you hurt me." Chet says. How did he know? I slowly put the candle holder down and crouched down in the corner, shivering.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, but Boss wants certain things done to you girls before you go see him." I shivered as his eyes reach for mine. "What do you have to do?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me. "He told me to make sure you and Sam were disiplined and to rape you so you obey everything we tell you to do."I was shocked. He's gonna do that to me...NO! I won't let him.

I stood up and grabbed the candle holder once again. "Come near me, I dare you!" I hissed. He then mumbled something. He bolted towards me. Closing my eyes, I swung the candle holder at him. I felt it hit him and with a thump, down he went. I open my eyes and see I hit him in the temple. I believe I've killed him. Just then a scream emerges from outside the door. I run to my door and find that it's locked. I go back to Chet and search him for a key. He has three and I try each one until my door finally opens. Another scream fills the hall I'm in. I run towards the door where the screams are eminating from. I burst inside and the guy named Kody is straddling Sam. "Get the hell off her!" I scream. I lunged towards Kody and he stopped with Sam and came at me. But before he could even take one step, I swung the candle holder at him and he too was unconcious. Sam slowly pulls her underwear up and runs to me. "Kat!" She yells. "It's okay, Sam. We are going home." I tell her softly. We look around for some clothes and we find some. We both put on some jeans and a tanktop. As we look for shoes I find a gun on Kody and take it and look in the barrel: 6 bullets. Then on the floor there are a pile of shoes. We sift through them to find matching pairs. We slip them on and run for the hallway. "Sam, stick with me, cus we both know your too chicken shit to shoot someone." Sam just nods her head vigorously. We slowly walk down the steps and hear voices at the bottom. I peer around the corner and some guy, so very familiar that I can still feel his drool on me. Jonas. He is talking to...LIAM!!! Oh no...

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