Chapter 2

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"Sam, slowly back away, NOW." I mouth to her. But instead she runs towards Jonas. "Jonas! Jonas, you found us, thank god!" She yelled to him. "NO SAM!! ITS A TRAP!!!" I blurt out. I run towards Jonas, my gun raised. When Sam gets to Jonas she opens her arms to hug him but stops abruptly. Her arms fall to her sides and she collapses on the ground. In Jonas's hand is a pocket knife. My knee's just about buckle. "No. No. NO!!!" I scream. I jolt my body forward and tackle Jonas, dropping the gun. I pull myself towards his head, trying to strangle him and "BANG BANG" she shot him down. I look up and see Sam, clutching the gun in one hand and her stomach in the other. She wasn't bleeding bad, but bad enough to pass out, and that's just what she did. Liam started running and I tackled him as well and bashed his head on the ground. I frisked Jonas for a cell and luckly he did. I called 911 and they came as soon as possible. They grabbed the two men upstairs as I was tending to Sam in the ambulance. They said she'd lost a lot of blood but was sure she was gonna live. We get to the hospital and Sam is wheeled one way as I'm wheeled the other. I get poked and prodded as Sam must be in recovery, probably done her stitches by now. "Can I go see Sam, my friend." I asked the nurse walking in my room. "Not, right this moment darling. There is a gentleman here to see you." She said.

As she walked out of the room an officer came in and sat down in the chair next to my hospital bed. "Excuse the intrusion but, we got both of the men you told us about." The officer said. Both? But there was four of them. "Uhh, there was four men there. Two were dead upstairs, one unconcious beside the dead one down stairs. Right?" The officer looked confused.

"Two dead one, only one unconcious one, which we arrested him, but a lot of blood. Presumably it was your friends. Well I'd better get going, so if you'll excuse me." An with that, he left me fearing of only one thing...SAM.


Sams P.O.V

I awaken to beeping monitors all around but I can't move. I feel a strong grip on my mouth and chest. My first thought is I'm in surgery, then I realize someone is toying around with my breathing monitor, or so it looks like my breathing monitor. "Now, once and for all, your gonna pay, for what you did to me years ago, then your little friend Kat will join you after I'm finished with her. Just..." Each word he spoke, the more he started to suffocate me. "like..." Any moment now I would be dead. "...this." My monitor made that high pitched sound when a heart stops, mine did, I heard yelling and the slamming of a door, before I welcomed the afterlife.

Kats P.O.V

"Nurse! Nurse!" I screamed for her. She burst through the door just as I was about to get out of bed. "Help me up. Sam Burrows is in trouble. I have reason to believe someone wants to kill her." She hollored to another nurse to go check on Sam and my nurse helped me to Sams room. The nurse that was sent in there, came running out to get a doctor. A doctor rushed passed us with a hospital bag. I rush towards the door and can hear the doctor saying clear. Sams body jolts upward each time he shocks her. A few minutes later her heart monitor starts beeping. I sigh, releived. Thank god she wasn't dead. I go to turn around and there stands Jonas. He looks confused and scared but I can see straight through him. "YOU MONSTER! YOU COULD'VE KILLED HER!" I punched him and he stumbled back holding his chin. "What? What happened to Sam wasn't my fault!" He yelled. Now he's trying to deny hurting us, kidnapping us, and TRYING TO KILL SAM! I was pissed. "YOU PYCOPATH!!! YOU FREAKING KIDNAPPED US!" I screamed so loud my throat hurt. I swung once more and he stumbled back again. "I swear I had nothing to do with this!" He said gesturing to Sam. I lifted my arm for another swing and then, that's when I saw it. In his eyes were sincerity, Sams Jonus would never do this. "What happened to you and Sam last night then?" I asked, still skeptical. He looked at Sam then back to me. "I don't remember. All I can remember is my phone ringing and then I must have passed out. I remember smelling a chlorine type of smell, and then I was out for what my mother said was two days and my brother had run away." I thought for a moment. "Your brother's a twin isn't he? Jason right?" Jonas nodded. "Did you go to Kyle's party?" I asked. Jonas looked confused. "I didn't because I had texted Sam telling her that I wasn't going, I felt sick." 

"Then you told her you were going three days ago." I said.

"No, I never texted her back since because I was out after trying to call her." Jonas replied. "Then who...Oh no! Your brother....he...." I bolted out the door and back to my room. I must find Jason, and where's Jason, there's Liam.

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