Chapter One: Cracks

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“Shh! Guys stop crowding it.” Sendra said as they all gazed. They were all huddled around in a big circle. “Seriously, give it space.”

            “How do we know this egg is ready to hatch?” Sora asked.

            “Because the shell is beginning to crack. Sooner or later the baby is going to be born, so back off we don’t want to scare it.” Sendra said. They all tried to back off but the amazement of the glowing egg was to appealing and so they moved in closer. Aiden came up from behind them and they let him through. He picked up the egg, as it radiated light.

            “I think I can feel it moving.” Aiden said. A small crack broke through the egg. The line grew longer and longer. Aiden placed the egg on the floor. They all stepped back.

            “What’ll happen once its hatches, has anyone ever seen a baby dragon?” Sora asked. They all looked at each other and they shook their heads. No one had any idea what to do, no idea what will hatch or how the newborn will behave.

            “I think we shouldn’t make any sudden movements, dragon or not it’s still going to be a baby and no doubt it’ll be frightened if it has ten people surrounding us, you know.”

            The egg shone brilliantly, enough to almost blind everyone. The shell spilt and the tip of the head was struggling to dig its way out. It head butted the top of the egg and the little baby dragon stuck its head out.  Two arms with longs claws separated the rest of the shell and the long serpentine body crawled out. The newborn opened its eyes and spread its tiny wings.

            Alfred came up and saw over their heads the tiny dragon. As he saw the dragon moved he quickly pulled everyone back.

            “Alfred what wrong?” Braden said. They looked back at the baby dragon and saw it begin to grow. The tiny dragon easily carried on the palm now quadrupled in size to the size of a griffin. Although still puny compared to its adult size it grew to a long and menacing size.

            “A dragon always has a burst of growth once it hatches. That’s the size it will remain through adolescent until it reaches adulthood.” Alfred said.

            “Well now that its stopped growing maybe we can get closer to it.” Elijah said. Alfred pulled Elijah back as the newborn dragon hissed.

            “That’s not such as wise thing to do. You want to be very careful around a baby dragon, their easy spooked and they restless. Just let it calm down first.” Alfred said. Elijah silently backed up from the dragon. The newborn looked around and was cautious when it moved from side to side. Aiden stepped forward slowly and reached out his hand. The dragon blew a flame, which Aiden deflected, the burns barley missing him.

            “Calm down. We’re not going to hurt you” Aiden said, keeping a borderline safe distance from it. The dragon stretched out its claws and scathed the top skin of Aiden’s torso.

            “Ah, man for a new born it has sharp claws.” aide yelled. The dragon opened its wings and clumsy tried to fly. Everyone ducked as it swayed in the air, unable to stabilize itself. It flew crashing into the walls of the palace, until it flew out a window and out to the courtyard. Its rage grew and it starting spewing flames.

            “Oh no it’s out of control. If we can’t calm it down it might burn the palace down.” Alfred said. Aiden looked over at Sora and she knew what he was thinking. She took off through the window. Aiden jumped and grabbed onto her leg. Sora glided them down and Aiden let go, landing on his feet, at the edge of the courtyard. Aiden walked carefully as the jittery dragon would move and roar.

            Flames spewed from it mouth and Aiden dodged the embers by a few degrees. Aiden tired to use his telekinesis to restrain the dragon. The dragon fought back frantically moving and trying to break free.

             The dragon shot flames toward Aiden. Aiden deflected and moved the flames away from him. The dragon spread its wings and whirled a breeze nearly knocking Aiden off his feet. Aiden returned fireballs at the dragon, but the gust blew them away before they reached it. The dragon clumsily took off again, flying within a hair of Aiden.

            “Watch out Aiden!” yelled Sora as she circled the skies above. She glided away as the dragon passed her. The dragon now turned its sights on flying after Sora. As much as the dragon struggled to catch Sora it simply did not possess the skills of flight that Sora had. Aiden tried to psychically pull back the dragon and land it on the ground. The dragon gave up and slammed into the ground. Debris and dust choked the air. Sora flapped her wings to clear the air allowing Aiden to breathe.

            “How are we going to fight this thing, without hurting it or without it crushing us?” Sora yelled.

            “That’s the solution I hope we can come up with quick, because it doesn’t appear to me that the dragons getting any less hostile.” Aiden said. Royal guards swarmed the area further making the newborn angrier.

            “Get away and don’t hurt it. I’ll handle this.” Aiden yelled at the guards as they aimed for the dragon. The guards backed off the area and let Aiden handle the situation. The dragon unleashed a flamethrower of fire up toward the palace. The group ducked down and the flames rushed through the window, searing the inside of the palace.

            “Sora we need to get it further out, to many bystanders here.” Aide said. Sora flew directly toward the beast and teased it with an aerial dance until she had its attention. She led it further out closer to the pond where its fire would be extinguished. Aiden followed after and soon the dragon was flying over the pond trying to catch Sora. Aiden used his powers to try to immobilize it, but once again the over hyper dragon broke loose and soon was flying too fast for Aiden to be able to grab hold.

            The dragon grew bored of chasing Sora and so it turned back toward Aiden. Aiden gazed at its eyes as it flew in his direction. The dragon roared and a furry of yellow and orange appeared. Aiden used the water from the pond as a shield. As the flames hit the water evaporated. Aiden pushed up a giant wave the smashed into the dragon. The dragon skidded over the pond and unintentionally dove into it. Aiden looked over the pond scanning it for a few seconds.

            Suddenly the dragon reemerged and took to the sky again. Nothing seemed to be working, the dragon angrily continuing its rampage.

            “Aiden nothings working, we can’t let it just roam and it won’t calm down.” Sora said.  Aiden looked around for the dragon, and an idea came to him.

            “Maybe if I tame it, if I make it listen to me then when I tell it to calm down it will.” Aiden said.

            “But how…” Sora said but it was too late Aiden began running at the dragon. The dragon saw Aiden coming toward it and dove down through the air. The two were in each other direct paths, as the dragon opened its mouth and a blaze of fire shot out. Aiden clamped his hands and split the flame. The embers passed by him and he jumped onto the dragon. He grabbed onto its horns and held to tight.

            The dragon tried desperately to shake Aiden off his neck. The dragon tried reaching with its jaws but couldn’t turn it completely. The dragon took off into the sky again. Sora flew toward them in the event Aiden might slip off.

            “Come on you, calm down.” Aiden said to the dragon in a failed attempt.

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