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The room was deadly silent. He was no longer breathing. Everyone in the room stared at the still lifeless body, waiting in anticipation for something to happen. But the longer they waited the more impatient the Mistress became. Her icy stare turned to the two in white. "He should be awake by now." Her tone had a false sense of coolness that forced its way past her teeth. The two flinched while Takin stood like stone, eyes pouncing onto the pair with numb emotion swirling in his gaze. Looking back and forth between her and the limp body their eyes widened. "There was no guarantee that this would work... Mistress." The man stuttered, swallowing thickly when Talon moved forward.

"So you decided to waste my time. The boss will not be pleased with the outcome of your experiment. What use is a dead body."

Stalking closer towards the body Talon placed two fingers on the base of his neck. He stayed like that for while before removing them and facing her again. "He is definitely dead, there's no pulse." The room went back to the deafening silence, no words were exchanged, the base of her heels clicked against the floor making them sweat. Simply nodding in his direction Talon swiftly slipped the tip of his ready blade across their necks. Blood gushed from their veins as they desperately clutched onto their necks before collapsing to the ground. Talon watched in shielded delight as they choked on whatever little oxygen they had left. "What's our next move?" He questioned. Before she could even suggest anything an alarming sound rung throughout the building, all the lights shut off and the doors opened automatically, the emergency red lights swirled from above, barely lighting the whole room. "Someone shut off our power grid."

"How unfortunate. But it seems we are done here the boss is waiting." Stepping over the bleeding bodies, the Mistress made her way towards the back exit.

"What about the boy?"

"Leave him, he has no use to us now. Have some of your men search the building, I wish to know who's responsible for this disruption." With a swift nod he signalled on of his men on the side, watching him march into the dark hall to spread word Talon followed the Mistress out of the building. A small black limo was parked right before them and the door opened to a large figure hidden away by the shadows, darkness surrounded his face as he glanced out the window. The pair slipped into the seat opposite him. "Operation Lupo was a fail. The boy is dead." Exhaling sharply the dark man brought the glass of champagne to his lips. If it weren't for the dark shade across his features his disappointment would have been on full display. Tapping his knuckles impatiently against the window behind him the driver started the engine and they drove away from the blaring building.

Blood seeped out slowly from the pairs necks as it glided across the floor. One of them quickly passed while the other was on the edge of death. Everything was silent apart from the mans desperate gasps for air. A small breeze crept into the room, running through the dead boys hair. A small movement caught the dying mans fading attention, focusing his concentration on the boy he stared intensely at him. Not long after he watched in shock as the side of the boys hand twitched, in amazement he watched it happen again and again until his entire body shook and bolted upright. Exhaling a shaky gasp, the boy took greedy gulps of air and wrapped his hands around his neck trying to force out even breaths. Scared was an understatement, he looked completely terrorized with his skin visibly paleing. His entire body trembled and it wasn't long before he noticed pool of blood slowly trickling down the floor. His gaze traced up to the source of the bloody spillage as he fearfully stared at the dying man in front of him, who was still looking at him like he was the most fascinating thing in the world. "Operation lupo... was a success." He choked out before coughing violently. A sickening smirk stretched on his lips.

"What does lupo mean?"

The man chuckled and choked on the little oxygen he had left, the blood he was trying to prevent from spilling oozed out through his finger and the boy watched in horror as his eyes turned blank and his body went still.

Forcing his eyes away from the dead corpse a huge realisation came to him as he gazed around the dark hollow room. There was no Mistress, there was no Talon, no guards, nobody. Just him and the door wide open tempting him to make his escape. The red light lit up half the room but the blaring sound of the siren stopped. Carefully pulling his legs over the table, his pale feet touched the bloody floor. The moment he stood up his legs started to shake and buckle he almost tumbled forward, gripping the cold surface for support he found it difficult to breath again. The room spun in trippy circles and the same wave of nausea hit him but he was determined to reach the door. After some time he leaned his weight against the door frame, he lolled his head to the side staring down the dark corridor ahead of him. He had no clue on where to go next. The layout of the building was like a endless maze to him. All corridors looked the same.

Stumbling ahead he followed his gut, allowing his weak legs to go where he felt was right. He didn't want to risk calling out in case he alerted some guards or worse, Talon. What could have been a few mere minutes felt like long hours. Exhausted, he weakly crashed into a wall. A feverish heat overcame him and his body shuddered against the cool stone wall. Something wasn't right.

What was happening to him?

Momentarily shutting his eyes he tried to relax his mind, he needed to think. What he wouldn't give to breath in the air from outside, have it run through his hair and the rain trickling down his body would be a sweet relief. Escaping always felt like a distant dream but now that he had a chance to do it, it felt almost impossible.

The sound of strained commotion was enough for him to pry his eyes open. He was more than convinced her was no longer alone.

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