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"Again." Jolts of electricity coursed through his body as his body thrusted up into the air. Stiff metal cuffs held him hostage in the chair. The two bodies watched motionless as he suffered.

He screamed, baring his teeth at the air with his eyes screwed shut. He counted, waited for the pain to stop. But the numbers got higher and the pain lasted longer. He faintly heard someone say stop and all at once he felt numb. How much longer were they going to do this.

Talon's dark eyes emerged into his sight. With his pale skin and emotionless gaze a familiar shiver ran down his spin. 

"Turn it up to 60." He muttered before breaking into a sick smirk. He knew he was enjoying this, watching him endure so much pain, tormenting him with all his power. It made his stomach twist. In fear or disgust he didn't know but he would want nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face. 

"You... coward." He mumbled. His head lolled to the side trying to look up at him. With a sinister chuckle he bent down to his level. 


"You heard. You're a coward... fight me yourself or does a machine over power you." Gnashing his teeth together, he fought to hold back the scream that was to come. Tensing every muscle in his body to try and block out the electrifying pain. Fortunately, it stopped before it could really begin. 

The blind numbing sensation surged through his veins as Talon's shadow towered over him. "You think you can take me on?" He vaguely heard both cuffs unclasp before he was carelessly chucked onto the ground. "Get up." He hissed. Standing a foot away from him, he waited.

His limbs shook and he struggled to hold himself up. He could feel Talon's glare burn on him as he watched his pathetic attempts to get up. He had a huge disadvantage with the little strength he had and deprived senses. But that didn't stop his futile attempts. 

"Pathetic excuse of a weapon." Harshly gripping the roots of his hair, Talon forced his head up. Face to face he sneered. "I fail to understand why the Mistress has such a high interest in you." 

"When I get out of here I'll..." A wave of nausea washed over him as he failed to keep his eyes open. All the air from his lungs were slowly drained out of him. 

"You'll what? Kill me."

"One... day." He gasped and Talon let go of his hair. Standing to his full height he leered at him.

"Well until then." Clutching onto his arm he roughly dragged him back to the chair. The cuffs snapped shut, enclosed around his wrists Talon's sick smirk reappeared. "When will you learn that you belong to the court."

Signaling the scientist to continue, more electrifying pain engulfed him.


He gazed blankly out the window, the memory of his time with the court burdened him every waking moment. Would he stay in this state forever?      Paralyzed of the thought of the court coming back for him. Scared of every moving shadow and small sound that came his way. He could barely focus on one thing at a time.

Which is why he didn't even notice when someone else entered his room until a weight shifted on his bed. Their small silhouette gave him some recognition but he switched on the lamp out of spite.

Just as he expected it to be her, with her untamed curls sticking out of place. "Selina, what-"

"Get up." She interrupted. Inching off the bed she walked out into the hallway. Giving him no choice but to follow.

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