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He was still unable to leave the mansion to his dismay. However the air of loneliness has slowly uplifted itself now that he could officially join everyone for breakfast. He also enjoyed the small conversations he has with Selina, whether it was about something random or the fact they were bored from staying indoors. Their current boredness was the highlight of the topic. 

"It's just bullshit." Selina scoffed. They sat in the study surrounding the small coffee table in the centre of the room. He sat straight and stiff on the sofa while she faced the ceiling, lying on her back with her feet dangling in the air the look of annoyance clearly written on her face. Her eyes pierced at the chess table as he made another move. "How much protection do we need that we can't even set foot on the bloody yard." He patently listened to her rant, nodding along to everything she said as he tried to get into the chess game before him.

But the truth was he couldn't, he was equally angered at how they were held hostage in a well decorated home. But he liked listening to her rant, it was comforting to know that he was not the only one who also shared these views. The last time he went outside was when he escaped the court and that didn't even last five minutes. "I can't do anything if I am stuck in this stupid house." She finished in a huff, kicking the sofa in aggregation. 

Not long after Bruce strolled into the room and he could feel the tension rise. Mostly because they were talking about him behind his back. Selina's impatience blew up before he even had the chance to leave the room. She immediately clocked onto the billionaire and bolted up at his presence. "Hey, we need to talk." She barked. He didn't seem very shocked at her sudden outburst, instead he busied himself with the stack of papers on his desk. That was enough to infuriate her even more. "Earth to moron."

He made a sound of acknowledgement but it still wasn't enough to please her. Standing up, she stalked closer towards him. "How long do we have to stay inside." 

"It depends..."

"On what?"

"Your safety." He saw her brow twitch and he could already tell that wasn't a good sign as he sunk deeper into his seat. 

"Cut the crap. We've been stuck in your little palace for weeks, the only people who can leave is you and Alfred, and me and Five want to-"

"Five?" He cut her off, sending her a questioning look.

"Yes Five." Raising her arm she pointed at the boy sitting silently in his seat. He sat there stunned at the sudden spotlight bestowed on him. 

"Why Five?"

He shrugged, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I think it was best suited instead of being labeled as 'the clone' all the time." He fell mute at Bruce's hard cold stare, his eyes accusing, almost as if he committed a crime.

"Are you not listening." He turned back to Selina. "We want to go out. In the yard at least."

With a heavy sigh he shuffled the papers into his right arm. "Now's not the time." He said with finality and brushed past her. 

"When is?" She yelled after him but he was already out the door. He watched her jaw clench and unclench multiple times, her face completely blank. He wasn't sure if she was going to scream or cry. To be honest he wasn't prepared for either. 

Opening his mouth to speak she stormed out before he could say a word. He was left alone in the study with scattered pieces across the chess board.

For the rest of the day Selina was nowhere to be seen. The mansion was big but not that big for her to just disappear.

Not like he was looking for her or anything.

Ok, he was looking for her but he could feel his loneliness creep back up on him and now that he was unable to find her he was starting to become concerned. He looked in every room, even the attic, but she was no where. 

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