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"A babysitter? For you? Classic!" Benny laughed as he, Ethan and Lily walked down the hallway of their school. Both Benny and Lily sniggered at the unfortunate teen, who shushed them.

"Keep it down man," he muttered, "that kind of info could totally ruin a guy's rep, and it's not for me, it's for Jane," 

"Ethan, if Benny knows you've got a babysitter, then don't be surprised if the whole school hear about it soon," Lily smirked. She felt bad for Ethan, but then again, he should've been watching Jane properly instead of stuffing marshmallows into his mouth.

"Hey! I'm good at keeping secrets!" Benny said, holding his hand to his chest as if he was offended.

Lily chuckled, "Yeah, Benny, sure you are,"

Sighing at Lily's sarcasm, Benny replied, "Well, on the positive side, one of these primo high school babes could totally be at your house tonight," he winked at some girls that walked past him, "Hey hot stuff," 

Lily frowned, wishing he wouldn't flirt with random girls like he usually did; she quickly replaced the frown with a smile however, not knowing why she cared so much in the first place.

Benny glanced at his friend, searching for any sign of jealously, finding nothing.

"Dude!" Ethan exclaimed, clearly embarrassed at his friend's attempts of flirting.


"All I know is, her name is Erica and she goes to this school. With any luck, I can talk my parents out of it by tonight,"

The three turned to see the principal putting up another Missing Teen poster. They watched as some students approached him, "Hey, principal Hicks," one of them said, "let me give you a hand,"

"Oh thank you Jesse," said the principal, as he let the boy hold his coffee. For some reason, Lily had a bad feeling about Jesse. She didn't say anything though; she decided to leave it alone. "Anything for our fearless leader, do you mind?" The three watched as Jesse took a sip of his coffee, "Ah, French roast,"

"French roast," Principal Hicks repeated.

"Good choice,"

"Good choice," he said it like he was in a trance.

The group of boys walked away, Jesse smirking in Lily's direction, earning him a glare from Benny. Principal Hicks stood there for a moment, silent, until he saw the three students watching him, looking quite creeped out. He awkwardly chuckled, "Students in the drama club, always making a scene," he laughed again.

The rest of the day went by too slow for Lily's liking, so she was over the moon when lunchtime rolled around.

"Benny, Lily. This is it. The whole of our social lives depend on how we behave here the next few days." Ethan told them. Benny turned around to look at him, with his infamous alien DNA detector goggles over his eyes. Lily barely understood what they were, but Benny had a certain grin on his face that showed he was really proud of himself for having them.

Ethan pulled them off his head, "Benny!"

"Those are state of the art alien DNA detector goggles!" Benny reasoned, annoyed that Ethan could've broken them by ripping them off his head so forcefully.

Ethan rolled his eyes, "Yeah, so?"

"High school cafeteria is an ideal place to test them out, right Lily?" she sighed as she was now part of their stupid argument.

"Yeah, totally," she answered. She wasn't really taking much notice in what they were talking about, since she was more interested in what she was going to have for lunch, but decided to agree anyway. Benny turned to the teen and smiled, and she was suddenly glad that she had agreed with him, his smile bringing a grin to her face. She didn't understand why, but after that she felt as though she wanted to make him smile more, as she really enjoyed seeing him happy.

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